skeeks\cms\checks\PhpModulesCheck::run PHP Method

run() public method

public run ( )
    public function run()
        $arMods = ['fsockopen' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "Functions to work with sockets"), 'xml_parser_create' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "{p} support", ['p' => 'XML']), 'preg_match' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', 'Support for regular expressions') . " (Perl-Compatible)", 'imagettftext' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "Free Type Text"), 'gzcompress' => "Zlib", 'imagecreatetruecolor' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', 'GD Library'), 'imagecreatefromjpeg' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "Jpeg support in GD"), 'json_encode' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "{p} support", ['p' => 'JSON']), 'mcrypt_encrypt' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', 'The encryption function {mcrypt}', ['mcrypt' => 'MCrypt']), 'highlight_file' => 'PHP Syntax Highlight', 'mb_substr' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "{p} support", ['p' => 'mbstring']), 'curl_init' => \Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "{p} support", ['p' => 'curl'])];
        $strError = '';
        foreach ($arMods as $func => $desc) {
            if (!function_exists($func)) {
            } else {
        if (!in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports())) {
            $this->addError(\Yii::t('skeeks/cms', "{ssl} support is not configured in {php}", ['ssl' => 'ssl', 'php' => 'php']));
        if (!extension_loaded('fileinfo')) {
            $this->addError(\Yii::t('skeeks/cms', 'Do not set extension {ext}. Do not set extension {ext}. Will not work on the file download link (for those files which can not parse file extension in the url, for example {smpl})', ['ext' => 'fileinfo', 'smpl' => '']));
        } else {
            $this->addSuccess(\Yii::t('skeeks/cms', 'Extension {ext} is installed', ['ext' => 'php fileinfo']));