Swiftriver\Core\Modules\TwitterStreamingSearchClient::processQueueFile PHP Method

processQueueFile() protected method

Processes a queue file and does something with it (example only)
protected processQueueFile ( string $queueFile )
$queueFile string The queue file
    protected function processQueueFile($queueFile)
        $logger = \Swiftriver\Core\Setup::GetLogger();
        $logger->log("Core::Modules::TwitterStreamingSearchClient start processing " . $queueFile, \PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
        // Open file
        $fp = fopen($queueFile, 'r');
        // Check if something has gone wrong, or perhaps the file is just locked by another process
        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            $logger->log("Core::Modules::TwitterStreamingSearchClient file: " . $queueFile . " already open, skipping", \PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
            return FALSE;
        // Lock file
        flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
        $content = array();
        $logger->log("Core::Modules::TwitterStreamingSearchClient: START Looping through content", \PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
        while ($rawStatus = fgets($fp, 4096)) {
            try {
                $status = \json_decode($rawStatus);
                $source_name = $status->user->screen_name;
                if ($source_name == null || $source_name == "") {
                    $source_name = "UNKNOWN";
                $source = \Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\ObjectFactories\SourceFactory::CreateSourceFromIdentifier($source_name, false);
                $source->name = $source_name;
                $source->link = "http://twitter.com/" . $source_name;
                $source->parent = "TWITTERSTREAM";
                $source->type = "Twitter Stream";
                $source->subType = "Filter";
                $source->applicationIds["twitter"] = $status->user->id;
                $source->applicationProfileImages["twitter"] = $status->user->profile_image_url;
                //Create a new Content item
                $item = \Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\ObjectFactories\ContentFactory::CreateContent($source);
                //Fill the Content Item
                $item->text[] = new \Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\LanguageSpecificText(null, $status->text, array($status->text));
                $item->link = "http://twitter.com/" . $source_name . "/statuses/" . $status->id_str;
                $item->date = strtotime($status->created_at);
                /* GEO is not yet supported on this streamin feed
                   if($tweet->geo != null && $tweet->geo->type == "Point" && \is_array($tweet->geo->coordinates))
                       $item->gisData[] = new \Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\GisData (
                //Sanitize the tweet text into a DIF collection
                $sanitizedTweetDiffCollection = $this->ParseTweetToSanitizedTweetDiffCollection($item);
                //Add the dif collection to the item
                $item->difs = array($sanitizedTweetDiffCollection);
                $content[] = $item;
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $logger->log("Core::Modules::TwitterStreamingSearchClient: {$e}", \PEAR_LOG_ERR);
        $logger->log("Core::Modules::TwitterStreamingSearchClient: START Looping through content", \PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
        $workflow = new \Swiftriver\Core\Workflows\ContentServices\ProcessContent();
        //Here we are running the workflow without pre processing.
        $workflow->RunWorkflow($content, false);
        // Release lock and close
        flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
        // All done with this file
        $logger->log("Core::Modules::TwitterStreamingSearchClient finshed processing " . $queueFile, \PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);