yii\base\Model::getAttributeLabel PHP Method

getAttributeLabel() public method

Returns the text label for the specified attribute.
See also: generateAttributeLabel()
See also: attributeLabels()
public getAttributeLabel ( string $attribute ) : string
$attribute string the attribute name
return string the attribute label
    public function getAttributeLabel($attribute)
        $labels = $this->attributeLabels();
        return isset($labels[$attribute]) ? $labels[$attribute] : $this->generateAttributeLabel($attribute);

Usage Example

  * @inheritdoc
 public function run()
     $inputId = Html::getInputId($this->model, $this->attribute);
     $field = $this->render('_field', ['fieldClass' => 'field-' . $inputId, 'inputId' => $inputId, 'inputName' => Html::getInputName($this->model, $this->attribute) . '[]', 'inputLabel' => $this->model->getAttributeLabel($this->attribute)]);
     $options = Json::htmlEncode(['field' => $field, 'firstAddTogglerText' => 'добавить свою категорию', 'addTogglerText' => 'добавить ещё', 'values' => $this->model->{$this->attribute}]);
     $this->view->registerJs('jQuery("#' . $this->id . '").kategoriiSlushatelejInputFields(' . $options . ');');
     return Html::tag('div', $this->renderFirstToggler(), ['id' => $this->id, 'class' => 'kategorii-slushatelej-input-fields']);
All Usage Examples Of yii\base\Model::getAttributeLabel