yii\db\pgsql\Schema::findConstraints PHP Method

findConstraints() protected method

Collects the foreign key column details for the given table.
protected findConstraints ( yii\db\TableSchema $table )
$table yii\db\TableSchema the table metadata
    protected function findConstraints($table)
        $tableName = $this->quoteValue($table->name);
        $tableSchema = $this->quoteValue($table->schemaName);
        //We need to extract the constraints de hard way since:
        //http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/[email protected]
        $sql = <<<SQL
    ct.conname as constraint_name,
    a.attname as column_name,
    fc.relname as foreign_table_name,
    fns.nspname as foreign_table_schema,
    fa.attname as foreign_column_name
    (SELECT ct.conname, ct.conrelid, ct.confrelid, ct.conkey, ct.contype, ct.confkey, generate_subscripts(ct.conkey, 1) AS s
       FROM pg_constraint ct
    ) AS ct
    inner join pg_class c on c.oid=ct.conrelid
    inner join pg_namespace ns on c.relnamespace=ns.oid
    inner join pg_attribute a on a.attrelid=ct.conrelid and a.attnum = ct.conkey[ct.s]
    left join pg_class fc on fc.oid=ct.confrelid
    left join pg_namespace fns on fc.relnamespace=fns.oid
    left join pg_attribute fa on fa.attrelid=ct.confrelid and fa.attnum = ct.confkey[ct.s]
    and c.relname={$tableName}
    and ns.nspname={$tableSchema}
order by
    fns.nspname, fc.relname, a.attnum
        $constraints = [];
        foreach ($this->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll() as $constraint) {
            if ($constraint['foreign_table_schema'] !== $this->defaultSchema) {
                $foreignTable = $constraint['foreign_table_schema'] . '.' . $constraint['foreign_table_name'];
            } else {
                $foreignTable = $constraint['foreign_table_name'];
            $name = $constraint['constraint_name'];
            if (!isset($constraints[$name])) {
                $constraints[$name] = ['tableName' => $foreignTable, 'columns' => []];
            $constraints[$name]['columns'][$constraint['column_name']] = $constraint['foreign_column_name'];
        foreach ($constraints as $constraint) {
            $table->foreignKeys[] = array_merge([$constraint['tableName']], $constraint['columns']);