SimpleLogger::log PHP Method

log() public method

Logs with an arbitrary level.
public log ( mixed $level, string $message, array $context = [] ) : null
$level mixed
$message string
$context array
return null
    public function log($level, $message, array $context = array())
        global $wpdb;
         * Filter that makes it possible to shortcut this log.
         * Return bool false to cancel.
         * @since 2.3.1
        $do_log = apply_filters("simple_history/log/do_log", true, $level, $message, $context, $this);
        if ($do_log === false) {
            return $this;
        // Check if $message is a translated message, and if so then fetch original
        $sh_latest_translations = $this->simpleHistory->gettextLatestTranslations;
        if (!empty($sh_latest_translations)) {
            if (isset($sh_latest_translations[$message])) {
                // Translation of this phrase was found, so use original phrase instead of translated one
                // Store textdomain since it's required to translate
                $context["_gettext_domain"] = $sh_latest_translations[$message]["domain"];
                // These are good to keep when debugging
                // $context["_gettext_org_message"] = $sh_latest_translations[$message]["text"];
                // $context["_gettext_translated_message"] = $sh_latest_translations[$message]["translation"];
                $message = $sh_latest_translations[$message]["text"];
         * Filter arguments passed to log funtion
         * @since 2.0
         * @param string $level
         * @param string $message
         * @param array $context
         * @param object SimpleLogger object
        apply_filters("simple_history/log_arguments", $level, $message, $context, $this);
        $context = apply_filters("simple_history/log_argument/context", $context, $level, $message, $this);
        $level = apply_filters("simple_history/log_argument/level", $level, $context, $message, $this);
        $message = apply_filters("simple_history/log_argument/message", $message, $level, $context, $this);
        /* Store date as GMT date, i.e. not local date/time
         * Some info here:
        $localtime = current_time("mysql", 1);
        $db_table = $wpdb->prefix . SimpleHistory::DBTABLE;
         * Filter db table used for simple history events
         * @since 2.0
         * @param string $db_table
        $db_table = apply_filters("simple_history/db_table", $db_table);
        $data = array("logger" => $this->slug, "level" => $level, "date" => $localtime, "message" => $message);
        // Allow date to be override
        // Date must be in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
        if (isset($context["_date"])) {
            $data["date"] = $context["_date"];
        // Add occasions id
        $occasions_id = null;
        if (isset($context["_occasionsID"])) {
            // Minimize risk of similar loggers logging same messages and such and resulting in same occasions id
            // by always adding logger slug
            $occasions_data = array("_occasionsID" => $context["_occasionsID"], "_loggerSlug" => $this->slug);
            $occasions_id = md5(json_encode($occasions_data));
        } else {
            // No occasions id specified, create one bases on the data array
            $occasions_data = $data + $context;
            // error_log(simpleHistory::json_encode($occasions_data));
            // Don't include date in context data
            $occasions_id = md5(json_encode($occasions_data));
        $data["occasionsID"] = $occasions_id;
        // Log event type, defaults to other if not set
        		if ( isset( $context["_type"] ) ) {
        		$data["type"] = $context["_type"];
        		unset( $context["_type"] );
        		} else {
        		$data["type"] = SimpleLoggerLogTypes::OTHER;
        // Log initiator, defaults to current user if exists, or other if not user exist
        if (isset($context["_initiator"])) {
            // Manually set in context
            $data["initiator"] = $context["_initiator"];
        } else {
            // No initiator set, try to determine
            // Default to other
            $data["initiator"] = SimpleLoggerLogInitiators::OTHER;
            // Check if user is responsible.
            if (function_exists("wp_get_current_user")) {
                $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
                if (isset($current_user->ID) && $current_user->ID) {
                    $data["initiator"] = SimpleLoggerLogInitiators::WP_USER;
                    $context["_user_id"] = $current_user->ID;
                    $context["_user_login"] = $current_user->user_login;
                    $context["_user_email"] = $current_user->user_email;
            // If cron then set WordPress as responsible
            if (defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON) {
                // Seems to be wp cron running and doing this
                $data["initiator"] = SimpleLoggerLogInitiators::WORDPRESS;
                $context["_wp_cron_running"] = true;
            // If running as CLI and WP_CLI_PHP_USED is set then it is WP CLI that is doing it
            // How to log this? Is this a user, is it WordPress, or what?
            // I'm thinking:
            //  - it is a user that is manually doing this, on purpose, with intent, so not auto wordpress
            //  - it is a specific user, but we don't know who
            // - sounds like a special case, set initiator to wp_cli
            // Can be used by plugins/themes to check if WP-CLI is running or not
            if (defined("WP_CLI") && WP_CLI) {
                $data["initiator"] = SimpleLoggerLogInitiators::WP_CLI;
        // Detect XML-RPC calls and append to context, if not already there
        if (defined("XMLRPC_REQUEST") && XMLRPC_REQUEST && !isset($context["_xmlrpc_request"])) {
            $context["_xmlrpc_request"] = true;
        // Trim message
        $data["message"] = trim($data["message"]);
         * Filter data to be saved to db
         * @since 2.0
         * @param array $data
        $data = apply_filters("simple_history/log_insert_data", $data);
        // Insert data into db
        // sf_d($db_table, '$db_table');exit;
        $result = $wpdb->insert($db_table, $data);
        $data_parent_row = null;
        // Only save context if able to store row
        if (false === $result) {
            $history_inserted_id = null;
        } else {
            $history_inserted_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
            $db_table_contexts = $wpdb->prefix . SimpleHistory::DBTABLE_CONTEXTS;
             * Filter table name for contexts
             * @since 2.0
             * @param string $db_table_contexts
            $db_table_contexts = apply_filters("simple_history/logger_db_table_contexts", $db_table_contexts);
            if (!is_array($context)) {
                $context = array();
            // Append user id to context, if not already added
            if (!isset($context["_user_id"])) {
                // wp_get_current_user is ont available early
                if (function_exists("wp_get_current_user")) {
                    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
                    if (isset($current_user->ID) && $current_user->ID) {
                        $context["_user_id"] = $current_user->ID;
                        $context["_user_login"] = $current_user->user_login;
                        $context["_user_email"] = $current_user->user_email;
            // Add remote addr to context
            // Good to always have
            if (!isset($context["_server_remote_addr"])) {
                $context["_server_remote_addr"] = empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ? "" : $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                // If web server is behind a load balancer then the ip address will always be the same
                // See bug report:
                // Note that the x-forwarded-for header can contain multiple ips, comma separated
                // Also note that the header can be faked
                // Ref:
                // Ref:
                // Check for IP in lots of headers
                // Based on code found here:
                $ip_keys = $this->get_ip_number_header_keys();
                foreach ($ip_keys as $key) {
                    if (array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER) === true) {
                        // Loop through all IPs
                        $ip_loop_num = 0;
                        foreach (explode(',', $_SERVER[$key]) as $ip) {
                            // trim for safety measures
                            $ip = trim($ip);
                            // attempt to validate IP
                            if ($this->validate_ip($ip)) {
                                // valid, add to context, with loop index appended so we can store many IPs
                                $key_lower = strtolower($key);
                                $context["_server_{$key_lower}_{$ip_loop_num}"] = $ip;
            // Append http referer
            // Also good to always have!
            if (!isset($context["_server_http_referer"]) && isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) {
                $context["_server_http_referer"] = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
             * Filter the context to store for this event/row
             * @since 2.0.29
             * @param array $context Array with all context data to store. Modify and return this.
             * @param array $data Array with data used for parent row.
             * @param array $this Reference to this logger instance
            $context = apply_filters("simple_history/log_insert_context", $context, $data, $this);
            $data_parent_row = $data;
            // Insert all context values into db
            foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
                // If value is array or object then use json_encode to store it
                //if ( is_object( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) {
                //	$value = simpleHistory::json_encode($value);
                // Any reason why the check is not the other way around?
                // Everything except strings should be json_encoded
                if (!is_string($value)) {
                    $value = simpleHistory::json_encode($value);
                $data = array("history_id" => $history_inserted_id, "key" => $key, "value" => $value);
                $result = $wpdb->insert($db_table_contexts, $data);
        $this->lastInsertID = $history_inserted_id;
         * Action that is called after an event has been logged
         * @since 2.5.1
         * @param array $context Array with all context data to store. Modify and return this.
         * @param array $data Array with data used for parent row.
         * @param array $this Reference to this logger instance
        do_action("simple_history/log/inserted", $context, $data_parent_row, $this);
        // Return $this so we can chain methods
        return $this;