AdminCTTopMenuItemController::ajaxProcessUpdatePositions PHP Метод

ajaxProcessUpdatePositions() публичный Метод

Updates positions submitted via Ajax
    public function ajaxProcessUpdatePositions()
        $id_shop = Shop::getContextShopID();
        // Build an array of order IDs (could be a page!)
        $submittedIds = array();
        $rows = (array) Tools::getValue($this->table);
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $ids = explode('_', $row);
            $submittedIds[] = (int) $ids[2];
        // Get all IDs from database
        $sql = new DbQuery();
        $sql->where('id_shop = ' . (int) $id_shop);
        $sql->orderBy('position ASC');
        $rows = (array) Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);
        $allIds = array();
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $allIds[] = (int) $row['id_ct_top_menu_item'];
        // Go through all IDs, if the ID exists in the sorted ID list (could be fragment (page) or sorted IDs)
        // then pick an ID from sorted ID list and overwrite the value.
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($allIds as $key1 => $id) {
            $key2 = array_search($id, $submittedIds);
            if ($key2 !== false) {
                $allIds[$key1] = $submittedIds[$i++];
        // Update positions of all values the way the are ordered in the array
        $position = 0;
        $isSuccess = true;
        $shopIDs = Shop::getContextListShopID();
        foreach ($allIds as $id_ct_top_menu_item) {
            $isSuccess &= Db::getInstance()->update($this->table . '_shop', array('position' => $position++), 'id_ct_top_menu_item = ' . (int) $id_ct_top_menu_item . ' AND id_shop IN (' . implode(', ', $shopIDs) . ')');
            if (!$isSuccess) {
        if ($isSuccess) {
        } else {
            header('Content-Type: application/json');
            die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('hasError' => true, 'errors' => $this->l('Could not update positions in the database table.'))));