Admin_articles::grid PHP Метод

grid() публичный Метод

This is used by the data table js.
public grid ( ) : string
Результат string
    public function grid()
        $iTotal = $this->db->count_all('articles');
        //$this->db->select('user_id, user_ip, user_first_name, user_last_name, user_email, user_username, user_group, user_join_date, user_last_login');
        // User Level
        if ($this->session->userdata('user_group') == 4) {
            $this->db->where('article_author', $this->session->userdata['userid']);
        /* Searching */
        if ($this->input->post('sSearch') != '') {
            $q = $this->input->post('sSearch', TRUE);
            $this->db->orlike('article_title', $q);
            $this->db->orlike('article_short_desc', $q);
            $this->db->orlike('article_description', $q);
            $this->db->orlike('article_uri', $q);
        /* Sorting */
        if ($this->input->post('iSortCol_0')) {
            $sort_col = $this->input->post('iSortCol_0');
            for ($i = 0; $i < $sort_col; $i++) {
                $this->db->order_by($this->_column_to_field($this->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i)), $this->input->post('iSortDir_' . $i));
        } else {
            $this->db->order_by('article_modified', 'desc');
        $iFilteredTotal = $this->db->count_all_results();
        /* Limit */
        if ($this->input->post('iDisplayStart') && $this->input->post('iDisplayLength') != '-1') {
            $this->db->limit($this->input->post('iDisplayLength'), $this->input->post('iDisplayStart'));
        } elseif ($this->input->post('iDisplayLength')) {
        $query = $this->db->get();
        $output = '{';
        $output .= '"sEcho": ' . $this->input->post('sEcho') . ', ';
        $output .= '"iTotalRecords": ' . $iTotal . ', ';
        $output .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": ' . $iFilteredTotal . ', ';
        $output .= '"aaData": [ ';
        foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
            $cat = '';
            // Here we are flushing cache because of the "get_cats" query.
            $cats = $this->articles_model->get_cats_by_article($row['article_id']);
            foreach ($cats->result_array() as $item) {
                $cat .= anchor('admin/categories/edit/' . $item['cat_id'], $item['cat_name']) . ', ';
            $status = '<span class="not_active">' . lang('lang_not_active') . '</span>';
            if ($row['article_display'] == 'y') {
                $status = '<span class="active">' . lang('lang_active') . '</span>';
            $title = anchor('admin/kb/articles/edit/' . $row['article_id'], $row['article_title']);
            $output .= "[";
            $output .= '"' . addslashes($title) . '",';
            $output .= '"' . addslashes(reduce_multiples($cat, ", ", TRUE)) . '",';
            $output .= '"' . addslashes(date($this->config->item('short_date_format'), $row['article_date'])) . '",';
            $output .= '"' . addslashes(date($this->config->item('short_date_format'), $row['article_modified'])) . '",';
            $output .= '"' . addslashes($status) . '",';
            $output .= '"<input type=\\"checkbox\\" name=\\"article_id[]\\" value=\\"' . $row['article_id'] . '\\" />"';
            $output .= "],";
        $output = substr_replace($output, "", -1);
        $output .= '] }';
        echo $output;