Agora_Form_Forum::__construct PHP Метод

__construct() публичный Метод

public __construct ( &$vars, $title )
    function __construct(&$vars, $title)
        global $forums, $conf;
        parent::__construct($vars, $title);
        try {
            $forums_list = Agora::formatCategoryTree($forums->getForums(0, false, 'forum_name', 0, true));
        } catch (Horde_Exception_NotFound $e) {
            $this->addHidden('', 'forum_parent_id', 'text', false);
            $vars->set('forum_parent_id', key($forums_list));
        $this->setButtons($vars->get('forum_id') ? _("Update") : _("Create"));
        $this->addHidden('', 'forum_id', 'int', false);
        $this->addVariable(_("Forum name"), 'forum_name', 'text', true);
        $this->addVariable(_("Parent forum"), 'forum_parent_id', 'enum', false, false, null, array($forums_list, true));
        $this->addVariable(_("Enter a brief description of this forum"), 'forum_description', 'longtext', false, false, null, array(4, 40));
        $this->addVariable(_("Is this a moderated forum?"), 'forum_moderated', 'boolean', false, false, _("Set this if you want all messages to be checked by a moderator before they are posted."));
        $this->addVariable(_("Optional email address to recieve a copy of each posted message"), 'forum_distribution_address', 'text', false, false);
        if ($conf['forums']['enable_attachments'] == '0') {
            $this->addVariable(_("Allow attachments in this forum?"), 'forum_attachments', 'boolean', false, false, _("If selected users will be able to attach files to their messages."));