Falcon_Connector_bbPress::notify_new_topic PHP Метод

notify_new_topic() публичный Метод

Notify user roles on new topic
public notify_new_topic ( $topic_id, $forum_id, $anonymous_data, $topic_author )
    public function notify_new_topic($topic_id = 0, $forum_id = 0, $anonymous_data = 0, $topic_author = 0)
        $user_roles = Falcon::get_option('bbsub_topic_notification', array());
        // bail out if no user roles found
        if (!$user_roles) {
        $recipients = array();
        foreach ($user_roles as $role) {
            $users = get_users(array('role' => $role, 'fields' => array('ID', 'user_email', 'display_name')));
            $recipients = array_merge($recipients, $users);
        // still no users?
        if (!$recipients) {
        // subscribe the users automatically
        foreach ($recipients as $user) {
            bbp_add_user_subscription($user->ID, $topic_id);
        // Sanitize the HTML into text
        $content = apply_filters('bbsub_html_to_text', bbp_get_topic_content($topic_id));
        // Build email
        $text = "%1\$s\n\n";
        $text .= "---\nReply to this email directly or view it online:\n%2\$s\n\n";
        $text .= "You are receiving this email because you subscribed to it. Login and visit the topic to unsubscribe from these emails.";
        $text = sprintf($text, $content, bbp_get_topic_permalink($topic_id));
        $text = apply_filters('bbsub_topic_email_message', $text, $topic_id, $content);
        $subject = apply_filters('bbsub_topic_email_subject', 'Re: [' . get_option('blogname') . '] ' . bbp_get_topic_title($topic_id), $topic_id);
        $options = array('author' => bbp_get_topic_author_display_name($topic_id), 'id' => $topic_id);
        $this->handler->send_mail($recipients, $subject, $text, $options);
        do_action('bbp_post_notify_topic_subscribers', $topic_id, $recipients);