SymfonyRequirements::__construct PHP Метод

__construct() публичный Метод

Constructor that initializes the requirements.
public __construct ( )
    public function __construct()
        /* mandatory requirements follow */
        $installedPhpVersion = phpversion();
        $this->addRequirement(version_compare($installedPhpVersion, self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, '>='), sprintf('PHP version must be at least %s (%s installed)', self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, $installedPhpVersion), sprintf('You are running PHP version "<strong>%s</strong>", but Symfony needs at least PHP "<strong>%s</strong>" to run.
                Before using Symfony, upgrade your PHP installation, preferably to the latest version.', $installedPhpVersion, self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION), sprintf('Install PHP %s or newer (installed version is %s)', self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, $installedPhpVersion));
        $this->addRequirement(version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.3.16', '!='), 'PHP version must not be 5.3.16 as Symfony won\'t work properly with it', 'Install PHP 5.3.17 or newer (or downgrade to an earlier PHP version)');
        $this->addRequirement(is_dir(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/composer'), 'Vendor libraries must be installed', 'Vendor libraries are missing. Install composer following instructions from <a href=""></a>. ' . 'Then run "<strong>php composer.phar install</strong>" to install them.');
        $cacheDir = is_dir(__DIR__ . '/../var/cache') ? __DIR__ . '/../var/cache' : __DIR__ . '/cache';
        $this->addRequirement(is_writable($cacheDir), 'app/cache/ or var/cache/ directory must be writable', 'Change the permissions of either "<strong>app/cache/</strong>" or  "<strong>var/cache/</strong>" directory so that the web server can write into it.');
        $logsDir = is_dir(__DIR__ . '/../var/logs') ? __DIR__ . '/../var/logs' : __DIR__ . '/logs';
        $this->addRequirement(is_writable($logsDir), 'app/logs/ or var/logs/ directory must be writable', 'Change the permissions of either "<strong>app/logs/</strong>" or  "<strong>var/logs/</strong>" directory so that the web server can write into it.');
        $this->addPhpIniRequirement('date.timezone', true, false, 'date.timezone setting must be set', 'Set the "<strong>date.timezone</strong>" setting in php.ini<a href="#phpini">*</a> (like Europe/Paris).');
        if (version_compare($installedPhpVersion, self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, '>=')) {
            $timezones = [];
            foreach (DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations() as $abbreviations) {
                foreach ($abbreviations as $abbreviation) {
                    $timezones[$abbreviation['timezone_id']] = true;
            $this->addRequirement(isset($timezones[@date_default_timezone_get()]), sprintf('Configured default timezone "%s" must be supported by your installation of PHP', @date_default_timezone_get()), 'Your default timezone is not supported by PHP. Check for typos in your <strong>php.ini</strong> file and have a look at the list of deprecated timezones at <a href=""></a>.');
        $this->addRequirement(function_exists('iconv'), 'iconv() must be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>iconv</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRequirement(function_exists('json_encode'), 'json_encode() must be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>JSON</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRequirement(function_exists('session_start'), 'session_start() must be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>session</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRequirement(function_exists('ctype_alpha'), 'ctype_alpha() must be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>ctype</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRequirement(function_exists('token_get_all'), 'token_get_all() must be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>Tokenizer</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRequirement(function_exists('simplexml_import_dom'), 'simplexml_import_dom() must be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>SimpleXML</strong> extension.');
        if (function_exists('apc_store') && ini_get('apc.enabled')) {
            if (version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.4.0', '>=')) {
                $this->addRequirement(version_compare(phpversion('apc'), '3.1.13', '>='), 'APC version must be at least 3.1.13 when using PHP 5.4', 'Upgrade your <strong>APC</strong> extension (3.1.13+).');
            } else {
                $this->addRequirement(version_compare(phpversion('apc'), '3.0.17', '>='), 'APC version must be at least 3.0.17', 'Upgrade your <strong>APC</strong> extension (3.0.17+).');
        $this->addPhpIniRequirement('detect_unicode', false);
        if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) {
            $this->addPhpIniRequirement('suhosin.executor.include.whitelist', create_function('$cfgValue', 'return false !== stripos($cfgValue, "phar");'), false, 'suhosin.executor.include.whitelist must be configured correctly in php.ini', 'Add "<strong>phar</strong>" to <strong>suhosin.executor.include.whitelist</strong> in php.ini<a href="#phpini">*</a>.');
        if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
            $this->addPhpIniRequirement('xdebug.show_exception_trace', false, true);
            $this->addPhpIniRequirement('xdebug.scream', false, true);
            $this->addPhpIniRecommendation('xdebug.max_nesting_level', create_function('$cfgValue', 'return $cfgValue > 100;'), true, 'xdebug.max_nesting_level should be above 100 in php.ini', 'Set "<strong>xdebug.max_nesting_level</strong>" to e.g. "<strong>250</strong>" in php.ini<a href="#phpini">*</a> to stop Xdebug\'s infinite recursion protection erroneously throwing a fatal error in your project.');
        $pcreVersion = defined('PCRE_VERSION') ? (double) PCRE_VERSION : null;
        $this->addRequirement(null !== $pcreVersion, 'PCRE extension must be available', 'Install the <strong>PCRE</strong> extension (version 8.0+).');
        if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
            $this->addPhpIniRequirement('mbstring.func_overload', create_function('$cfgValue', 'return (int) $cfgValue === 0;'), true, 'string functions should not be overloaded', 'Set "<strong>mbstring.func_overload</strong>" to <strong>0</strong> in php.ini<a href="#phpini">*</a> to disable function overloading by the mbstring extension.');
        /* optional recommendations follow */
        if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/composer')) {
            require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
            try {
                $r = new ReflectionClass('Sensio\\Bundle\\DistributionBundle\\SensioDistributionBundle');
                $contents = file_get_contents(dirname($r->getFileName()) . '/Resources/skeleton/app/SymfonyRequirements.php');
            } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
                $contents = '';
            $this->addRecommendation(file_get_contents(__FILE__) === $contents, 'Requirements file should be up-to-date', 'Your requirements file is outdated. Run composer install and re-check your configuration.');
        $this->addRecommendation(version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.3.4', '>='), 'You should use at least PHP 5.3.4 due to PHP bug #52083 in earlier versions', 'Your project might malfunction randomly due to PHP bug #52083 ("Notice: Trying to get property of non-object"). Install PHP 5.3.4 or newer.');
        $this->addRecommendation(version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.3.8', '>='), 'When using annotations you should have at least PHP 5.3.8 due to PHP bug #55156', 'Install PHP 5.3.8 or newer if your project uses annotations.');
        $this->addRecommendation(version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.4.0', '!='), 'You should not use PHP 5.4.0 due to the PHP bug #61453', 'Your project might not work properly due to the PHP bug #61453 ("Cannot dump definitions which have method calls"). Install PHP 5.4.1 or newer.');
        $this->addRecommendation(version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.4.11', '>='), 'When using the logout handler from the Symfony Security Component, you should have at least PHP 5.4.11 due to PHP bug #63379 (as a workaround, you can also set invalidate_session to false in the security logout handler configuration)', 'Install PHP 5.4.11 or newer if your project uses the logout handler from the Symfony Security Component.');
        $this->addRecommendation(version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.3.18', '>=') && version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.4.0', '<') || version_compare($installedPhpVersion, '5.4.8', '>='), 'You should use PHP 5.3.18+ or PHP 5.4.8+ to always get nice error messages for fatal errors in the development environment due to PHP bug #61767/#60909', 'Install PHP 5.3.18+ or PHP 5.4.8+ if you want nice error messages for all fatal errors in the development environment.');
        if (null !== $pcreVersion) {
            $this->addRecommendation($pcreVersion >= 8.0, sprintf('PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (%s installed)', $pcreVersion), '<strong>PCRE 8.0+</strong> is preconfigured in PHP since 5.3.2 but you are using an outdated version of it. Symfony probably works anyway but it is recommended to upgrade your PCRE extension.');
        $this->addRecommendation(class_exists('DomDocument'), 'PHP-DOM and PHP-XML modules should be installed', 'Install and enable the <strong>PHP-DOM</strong> and the <strong>PHP-XML</strong> modules.');
        $this->addRecommendation(function_exists('mb_strlen'), 'mb_strlen() should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>mbstring</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRecommendation(function_exists('iconv'), 'iconv() should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>iconv</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRecommendation(function_exists('utf8_decode'), 'utf8_decode() should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>XML</strong> extension.');
        $this->addRecommendation(function_exists('filter_var'), 'filter_var() should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>filter</strong> extension.');
        if (!defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD')) {
            $this->addRecommendation(function_exists('posix_isatty'), 'posix_isatty() should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>php_posix</strong> extension (used to colorize the CLI output).');
        $this->addRecommendation(extension_loaded('intl'), 'intl extension should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>intl</strong> extension (used for validators).');
        if (extension_loaded('intl')) {
            // in some WAMP server installations, new Collator() returns null
            $this->addRecommendation(null !== new Collator('fr_FR'), 'intl extension should be correctly configured', 'The intl extension does not behave properly. This problem is typical on PHP 5.3.X x64 WIN builds.');
            // check for compatible ICU versions (only done when you have the intl extension)
            if (defined('INTL_ICU_VERSION')) {
                $version = INTL_ICU_VERSION;
            } else {
                $reflector = new ReflectionExtension('intl');
                $output = strip_tags(ob_get_clean());
                preg_match('/^ICU version +(?:=> )?(.*)$/m', $output, $matches);
                $version = $matches[1];
            $this->addRecommendation(version_compare($version, '4.0', '>='), 'intl ICU version should be at least 4+', 'Upgrade your <strong>intl</strong> extension with a newer ICU version (4+).');
            $this->addPhpIniRecommendation('intl.error_level', create_function('$cfgValue', 'return (int) $cfgValue === 0;'), true, 'intl.error_level should be 0 in php.ini', 'Set "<strong>intl.error_level</strong>" to "<strong>0</strong>" in php.ini<a href="#phpini">*</a> to inhibit the messages when an error occurs in ICU functions.');
        $accelerator = extension_loaded('eaccelerator') && ini_get('eaccelerator.enable') || extension_loaded('apc') && ini_get('apc.enabled') || extension_loaded('Zend Optimizer+') && ini_get('zend_optimizerplus.enable') || extension_loaded('Zend OPcache') && ini_get('opcache.enable') || extension_loaded('xcache') && ini_get('xcache.cacher') || extension_loaded('wincache') && ini_get('wincache.ocenabled');
        $this->addRecommendation($accelerator, 'a PHP accelerator should be installed', 'Install and/or enable a <strong>PHP accelerator</strong> (highly recommended).');
        if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
            $this->addRecommendation($this->getRealpathCacheSize() > 1000, 'realpath_cache_size should be above 1024 in php.ini', 'Set "<strong>realpath_cache_size</strong>" to e.g. "<strong>1024</strong>" in php.ini<a href="#phpini">*</a> to improve performance on windows.');
        $this->addPhpIniRecommendation('short_open_tag', false);
        $this->addPhpIniRecommendation('magic_quotes_gpc', false, true);
        $this->addPhpIniRecommendation('register_globals', false, true);
        $this->addPhpIniRecommendation('session.auto_start', false);
        $this->addRecommendation(class_exists('PDO'), 'PDO should be installed', 'Install <strong>PDO</strong> (mandatory for Doctrine).');
        if (class_exists('PDO')) {
            $drivers = PDO::getAvailableDrivers();
            $this->addRecommendation(count($drivers) > 0, sprintf('PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: %s)', count($drivers) ? implode(', ', $drivers) : 'none'), 'Install <strong>PDO drivers</strong> (mandatory for Doctrine).');

Usage Example

 public function __construct()
     $phpVersion = phpversion();
     $gdVersion = defined('GD_VERSION') ? GD_VERSION : null;
     $curlVersion = function_exists('curl_version') ? curl_version() : null;
     $icuVersion = Intl::getIcuVersion();
     $this->addOroRequirement(version_compare($phpVersion, self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, '>='), sprintf('PHP version must be at least %s (%s installed)', self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, $phpVersion), sprintf('You are running PHP version "<strong>%s</strong>", but Oro needs at least PHP "<strong>%s</strong>" to run.
             Before using Oro, upgrade your PHP installation, preferably to the latest version.', $phpVersion, self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION), sprintf('Install PHP %s or newer (installed version is %s)', self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, $phpVersion));
     $this->addOroRequirement(null !== $gdVersion && version_compare($gdVersion, self::REQUIRED_GD_VERSION, '>='), 'GD extension must be at least ' . self::REQUIRED_GD_VERSION, 'Install and enable the <strong>GD</strong> extension at least ' . self::REQUIRED_GD_VERSION . ' version');
     $this->addOroRequirement(function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt'), 'mcrypt_encrypt() should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>Mcrypt</strong> extension.');
     $this->addOroRequirement(class_exists('Locale'), 'intl extension should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>intl</strong> extension.');
     $this->addOroRequirement(null !== $icuVersion && version_compare($icuVersion, self::REQUIRED_ICU_VERSION, '>='), 'icu library must be at least ' . self::REQUIRED_ICU_VERSION, 'Install and enable the <strong>icu</strong> library at least ' . self::REQUIRED_ICU_VERSION . ' version');
     $this->addRecommendation(class_exists('SoapClient'), 'SOAP extension should be installed (API calls)', 'Install and enable the <strong>SOAP</strong> extension.');
     $this->addRecommendation(null !== $curlVersion && version_compare($curlVersion['version'], self::REQUIRED_CURL_VERSION, '>='), 'cURL extension must be at least ' . self::REQUIRED_CURL_VERSION, 'Install and enable the <strong>cURL</strong> extension at least ' . self::REQUIRED_CURL_VERSION . ' version');
     // Windows specific checks
     if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD')) {
         $this->addRecommendation(function_exists('finfo_open'), 'finfo_open() should be available', 'Install and enable the <strong>Fileinfo</strong> extension.');
         $this->addRecommendation(class_exists('COM'), 'COM extension should be installed', 'Install and enable the <strong>COM</strong> extension.');
     $baseDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/..');
     $mem = $this->getBytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
     $this->addPhpIniRequirement('memory_limit', function ($cfgValue) use($mem) {
         return $mem >= 256 * 1024 * 1024 || -1 == $mem;
     }, false, 'memory_limit should be at least 256M', 'Set the "<strong>memory_limit</strong>" setting in php.ini<a href="#phpini">*</a> to at least "256M".');
     $directories = array('web/bundles', 'app/cache', 'app/logs', 'app/archive', 'app/uploads/product');
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         $this->addOroRequirement(is_writable($baseDir . '/' . $directory), $directory . ' directory must be writable', 'Change the permissions of the "<strong>' . $directory . '</strong>" directory so that the web server can write into it.');
All Usage Examples Of SymfonyRequirements::__construct