Zebra_cURL::delete PHP Метод

delete() публичный Метод

This method will automatically set the following options: - CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT - TRUE - CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST - "DELETE" - CURLOPT_HEADER - TRUE - CURLOPT_NOBODY - FALSE - CURLOPT_POST - FALSE - CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS - the POST data ...and will unset the following options: - CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER - CURLOPT_HTTPGET - TRUE - CURLOPT_FILE Multiple requests are processed asynchronously, in parallel, and the callback function is called for each and every request, as soon as a request finishes. The number of parallel requests to be constantly processed, at all times, can be set through the {@link threads} property. See also the {@link pause_interval} property. Note that requests may not finish in the same order as initiated! the callback function to be executed for each and every request, as soon as a request finishes the callback function receives as argument an object with 4 properties (info, header, body and response) function mycallback($result) { everything went well at cURL level if ($result->response[1] == CURLE_OK) { if server responded with code 200 (meaning that everything went well) see http://httpstatus.es/ for a list of possible response codes if ($result->info['http_code'] == 200) { see all the returned data print_r('
show the server's response code
        } else die('Server responded with code ' . $result->info['http_code']);
something went wrong
($result still contains all data that could be gathered)
    } else die('cURL responded with: ' . $result->response[0]);

include the Zebra_cURL library
require 'path/to/Zebra_cURL';
instantiate the Zebra_cURL object
$curl = new Zebra_cURL();
do a PUT and execute the "mycallback" function for each
request, as soon as it finishes
    'http://www.somewebsite.com'  =>  array(
        'data_1'  =>  'value 1',
        'data_2'  =>  'value 2',
), 'mycallback');
public delete ( mixed $urls, mixed $callback = '' ) : void
$urls mixed An associative array in the form of url => delete-data, where "delete-data" is an associative array in the form of name => value. "delete-data" can also be an arbitrary string - useful if you want to send raw data (like a JSON) The Content-Type header will be set to multipart/form-data. @param mixed $callback (Optional) Callback function to be called as soon as a request finishes. May be given as a string representing a name of an existing function, as an anonymous function created on the fly via {@link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.create-function.php create_function} or via a {@link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.create-function.php closure}. The callback function receives as first argument an object with 4 properties as described below, while any further arguments passed to the {@link delete} method will be passed as extra arguments to the callback function: - info - an associative array containing information about the request that just finished, as returned by PHP's {@link http://php.net/manual/en/function.curl-getinfo.php curl_getinfo()} function; - headers - an associative array with 2 items: - last_request an array with a single entry containing the request headers generated by the last request; so, remember, if there are redirects involved, there will be more requests made, but only information from the last one will be available; if explicitly disabled via the {@link option} method by setting CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT to 0 or FALSE, this will be an empty string; - responses an array with one or more entries (if there are redirects involved) with the response headers of all the requests made; if explicitly disabled via the {@link option} method by setting CURLOPT_HEADER to 0 or FALSE, this will be an empty string; Unless disabled, each entry in the headers' array is an associative array in the form of property => value - body - the response of the request (the content of the page at the URL). Unless disabled via the {@link __construct() constructor}, all applicable characters will be converted to HTML entities via PHP's {@link http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php htmlentities} function, so remember to use PHP's {@link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.html-entity-decode.php html_entity_decode} function to do reverse this, if it's the case; If "body" is explicitly disabled via the {@link option} method by setting CURLOPT_NOBODY to 0 or FALSE, this will be an empty string; - response - the response given by the cURL library as an array with 2 entries: the first entry is the textual representation of the result's code, while second is the result's code itself; if the request was successful, these values will be array(CURLE_OK, 0); consult {@link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-errno.php#103128 this list} to see the possible values of this property; If the callback function returns FALSE while {@link cache} is enabled, the library will not cache the respective request, making it easy to retry failed requests without having to clear all cache. @since 1.3.3 @return void
$callback mixed
Результат void
    public function delete($urls, $callback = '')
        // if "urls" argument is not an array, trigger an error
        if (!is_array($urls)) {
            trigger_error('First argument to "delete" method must be an array!', E_USER_ERROR);
        // iterate through the list of URLs to process
        foreach ((array) $urls as $url => $values) {
            // add each URL and associated properties to the "_requests" property
            $this->_requests[] = array('url' => $url, 'options' => array(CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT => 1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'DELETE', CURLOPT_HEADER => 1, CURLOPT_NOBODY => 0, CURLOPT_POST => 0, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => is_array($values) ? http_build_query($values, NULL, '&') : $values, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER => null, CURLOPT_HTTPGET => null, CURLOPT_FILE => null), 'callback' => $callback, 'arguments' => array_slice(func_get_args(), 2));
        // if we're just queuing requests for now, do not execute the next lines
        if ($this->_queue) {
        // if we have to pause between batches of requests, process them sequentially, in batches
        if ($this->pause_interval > 0) {
        } else {