elFinder::file PHP Метод

file() защищенный Метод

Required to output file in browser when volume URL is not set Return array contains opened file pointer, root itself and required headers
Автор: Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected file ( $args ) : array
Результат array
    protected function file($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $download = !empty($args['download']);
        $h403 = 'HTTP/1.x 403 Access Denied';
        $h404 = 'HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found';
        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true);
        if (($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true);
        if (!$file['read']) {
            return array('error' => 'Access denied', 'header' => $h403, 'raw' => true);
        if (($fp = $volume->open($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true);
        // allow change MIME type by 'file.pre' callback functions
        $mime = isset($args['mime']) ? $args['mime'] : $file['mime'];
        if ($download) {
            $disp = 'attachment';
        } else {
            $dispInlineRegex = $volume->getOption('dispInlineRegex');
            $inlineRegex = false;
            if ($dispInlineRegex) {
                $inlineRegex = '#' . str_replace('#', '\\#', $dispInlineRegex) . '#';
                try {
                    preg_match($inlineRegex, '');
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $inlineRegex = false;
            if (!$inlineRegex) {
                $inlineRegex = '#^(?:(?:image|text)|application/x-shockwave-flash$)#';
            $disp = preg_match($inlineRegex, $mime) ? 'inline' : 'attachment';
        $filenameEncoded = rawurlencode($file['name']);
        if (strpos($filenameEncoded, '%') === false) {
            // ASCII only
            $filename = 'filename="' . $file['name'] . '"';
        } else {
            $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
            if (preg_match('/MSIE [4-8]/', $ua)) {
                // IE < 9 do not support RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987)
                $filename = 'filename="' . $filenameEncoded . '"';
            } elseif (strpos($ua, 'Chrome') === false && strpos($ua, 'Safari') !== false && preg_match('#Version/[3-5]#', $ua)) {
                // Safari < 6
                $filename = 'filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $file['name']) . '"';
            } else {
                // RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987)
                $filename = 'filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . $filenameEncoded;
        $result = array('volume' => $volume, 'pointer' => $fp, 'info' => $file, 'header' => array('Content-Type: ' . $mime, 'Content-Disposition: ' . $disp . '; ' . $filename, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', 'Content-Length: ' . $file['size'], 'Connection: close'));
        if (isset($file['url']) && $file['url'] && $file['url'] != 1) {
            $result['header'][] = 'Content-Location: ' . $file['url'];
        return $result;