Backend\Modules\Groups\Actions\Edit::getWidgets PHP Метод

getWidgets() приватный Метод

Get the widgets
private getWidgets ( )
    private function getWidgets()
        $this->widgets = array();
        $this->widgetInstances = array();
        $finder = new Finder();
        $finder->name('*.php')->in(BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/*/Widgets');
        foreach ($finder->files() as $file) {
            $module = $file->getPathInfo()->getPathInfo()->getBasename();
            if (BackendAuthentication::isAllowedModule($module)) {
                $widgetName = $file->getBasename('.php');
                $class = 'Backend\\Modules\\' . $module . '\\Widgets\\' . $widgetName;
                if (class_exists($class)) {
                    // add to array
                    $this->widgetInstances[] = array('module' => $module, 'widget' => $widgetName, 'className' => $class);
                    // create reflection class
                    $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
                    $phpDoc = trim($reflection->getDocComment());
                    if ($phpDoc != '') {
                        $offset = mb_strpos($reflection->getDocComment(), '*', 7);
                        $description = mb_substr($reflection->getDocComment(), 0, $offset);
                        $description = str_replace('*', '', $description);
                        $description = trim(str_replace('/', '', $description));
                    } else {
                        $description = '';
                    // check if model file exists
                    $pathName = $file->getPathInfo()->getPathInfo()->getRealPath();
                    if (is_file($pathName . '/engine/model.php')) {
                        // require model
                        require_once $pathName . '/engine/model.php';
                    // add to array
                    $this->widgets[] = array('checkbox_name' => \SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($module) . \SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($widgetName), 'module_name' => $module, 'label' => \SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($widgetName), 'value' => $widgetName, 'description' => $description);