Bolt\Configuration\LowlevelChecks::checkApache PHP Метод

checkApache() публичный Метод

It is here only as a convenience check for users that install the basic version of Bolt. If you see this error and want to disable it, call $config->getVerifier()->disableApacheChecks(); inside your bootstrap.php file, just before the call to $config->verify().
public checkApache ( )
    public function checkApache()
        if ($this->disableApacheChecks) {
        if ($this->isApache && !is_readable($this->config->getPath('web') . '/.htaccess')) {
            throw new BootException('The file <code>' . htmlspecialchars($this->config->getPath('web'), ENT_QUOTES) . '/.htaccess' . "</code> doesn't exist. Make sure it's present and readable to the user that the " . 'web server is using. ' . 'If you are not running Apache, or your Apache setup performs the correct rewrites without ' . 'requiring a .htaccess file (in other words, <strong>if you know what you are doing</strong>), ' . 'you can disable this check by calling <code>$config->getVerifier()->disableApacheChecks(); ' . 'in <code>bootstrap.php</code>');