public function getContentType($contenttypeslug) { // Return false if empty, can't find it. if (empty($contenttypeslug)) { return false; } $contenttype = $this->app['config']->get('contenttypes/' . $contenttypeslug); // See if we've either given the correct contenttype, or try to find it by name or singular_name. if (!$contenttype) { // Also check for the slugified version of the content type $slugifiedContentType = $this->app['slugify']->slugify($contenttypeslug); $contenttype = $this->app['config']->get('contenttypes/' . $slugifiedContentType); if (!$contenttype) { foreach ($this->app['config']->get('contenttypes') as $key => $ct) { if (isset($ct['slug']) && ($contenttypeslug === $ct['slug'] || $slugifiedContentType === $ct['slug']) || isset($ct['singular_slug']) && ($contenttypeslug === $ct['singular_slug'] || $slugifiedContentType === $ct['singular_slug']) || $slugifiedContentType === $this->app['slugify']->slugify($ct['name']) || $slugifiedContentType === $this->app['slugify']->slugify($ct['singular_name'])) { $contenttype = $ct; $contenttype['key'] = $key; break; } } } } if (!empty($contenttype)) { return $contenttype; } else { return false; } }