Deployer\Executor\ParallelExecutor::run PHP Метод

run() публичный Метод

public run ( $tasks, $servers, $environments, $input, $output )
    public function run($tasks, $servers, $environments, $input, $output)
        $this->tasks = $tasks;
        $this->servers = $servers;
        $this->environments = $environments;
        $this->input = $input;
        $this->output = new OutputWatcher($output);
        $this->informer = new Informer($this->output);
        $this->localhost = new Local();
        $this->localEnv = new Environment();
        $this->port = self::START_PORT;
        $this->pure = new Server($this->port);
        $this->loop = $this->pure->getLoop();
        // Start workers for each server.
        $this->loop->addTimer(0, [$this, 'startWorkers']);
        // Wait for output
        $this->outputStorage = $this->pure['output'] = new QueueStorage();
        $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(0, [$this, 'catchOutput']);
        // Lookup for exception
        $this->exceptionStorage = $this->pure['exception'] = new QueueStorage();
        $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(0, [$this, 'catchExceptions']);
        // Send workers tasks to do.
        $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(0, [$this, 'sendTasks']);
        // Wait all workers finish they tasks.
        $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(0, [$this, 'idle']);
        // Start loop
        try {
        } catch (ConnectionException $exception) {
            // If port is already used, try with another one.
            $output->writeln("<fg=red>✘ " . $exception->getMessage() . "</fg=red>");
            if (++$this->port <= self::STOP_PORT) {
                goto connect;
        if (!$this->isSuccessfullyFinished) {
            throw new \RuntimeException($this->lastExceptionMessage);