eZ\Bundle\EzPublishCoreBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::installWelcomeText PHP Метод

installWelcomeText() публичный статический Метод

Just dump welcome text on how to install eZ Platform.
public static installWelcomeText ( Composer\Script\Event $event )
$event Composer\Script\Event Event A instance
    public static function installWelcomeText(Event $event)

      ________      ____    ___             __       ___         
     /\_____  \    /\  _`\ /\_ \           /\ \__  /'___\ 
   __\/____//'/'   \ \ \_\ \//\ \      __  \ \ ,_\/\ \__/  ___   _ __    ___ ___
 /'__`\   //'/'     \ \ ,__/ \ \ \   /'__`\ \ \ \/\ \ ,__\/ __`\/\`'__\/' __` __`\  
/\  __/  //'/'___    \ \ \/   \_\ \_/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_\ \ \_/\ \L\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \/\ \ 
\ \____\ /\_______\   \ \_\   /\____\ \__/.\_\\ \__\\ \_\\ \____/\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\
 \/____/ \/_______/    \/_/   \/____/\/__/\/_/ \/__/ \/_/ \/___/  \/_/  \/_/\/_/\/_/

<fg=cyan>Welcome to eZ Platform!</fg=cyan>

<options=bold>Quick Install:</>
(Assuming the CLI user you execute commands with below is same that extracted/installed the software)
<comment>    $  export SYMFONY_ENV="prod"</comment>
<comment>    $  php app/console ezplatform:install <type></comment>
<comment>    $  php app/console assetic:dump</comment>
<comment>    $  php app/console server:run</comment>

- "ezplatform:install" has different installer <type>s depending on your install, see <fg=green>INSTALL.md</> or <fg=green>README.md</> for which one to use.
- For development use you can enable full debugging by setting SYMFONY_ENV to "dev".
- Last command will give you url to frontend of installation, add "/ez" to reach backend.

For full install instructions, including setting up directory permissions, see install instructions in <fg=green>INSTALL.md</>
or <fg=green>README.md</>.
