eZ\Bundle\EzPublishCoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration::addHttpCacheSection PHP Метод

addHttpCacheSection() приватный Метод

private addHttpCacheSection ( ArrayNodeDefinition $rootNode )
$rootNode Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\ArrayNodeDefinition
    private function addHttpCacheSection(ArrayNodeDefinition $rootNode)
        $purgeTypeInfo = <<<EOT
Http cache purge type.

Cache purge for content/locations is triggered when needed (e.g. on publish) and will result in one or several Http PURGE requests.
Can be "local" or "http" or a valid service ID:
- If "local" is used, an Http PURGE request will be emulated when needed (e.g. when using Symfony internal reverse proxy).
- If "http" is used, only one Http BAN request will be sent, with X-Location-Id header containing locationIds to ban.
  X-Location-Id consists in a Regexp containing locationIds to ban.
   - (123|456|789) => Purge locations #123, #456, #789.
   - .* => Purge all locations.
- If a serviceId is provided, it must be defined in the ServiceContainer and must implement eZ\\Publish\\Core\\MVC\\Symfony\\Cache\\PurgeClientInterface.
        $rootNode->children()->arrayNode('http_cache')->children()->scalarNode('purge_type')->info($purgeTypeInfo)->defaultValue('local')->beforeNormalization()->ifTrue(function ($v) {
            $http = array('multiple_http' => true, 'single_http' => true);
            return isset($http[$v]);
        })->then(function () {
            return 'http';