eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Tests\RichText\Normalizer\DocumentTypeDefinitionTest::providerForTestNormalize PHP Метод

providerForTestNormalize() публичный Метод

    public function providerForTestNormalize()
        return array(array('section', 'http://ez.no/namespaces/ezpublish5/xhtml5/edit', __DIR__ . '/_fixtures/pound.dtd', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section xmlns="http://ez.no/namespaces/ezpublish5/xhtml5/edit">
  <p>Behold the pound pudding in a pond: &pound;</p>
</section>', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE section [
    <!ENTITY pound "&#163;">
<section xmlns="http://ez.no/namespaces/ezpublish5/xhtml5/edit">
  <p>Behold the pound pudding in a pond: &pound;</p>
</section>', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section xmlns="http://ez.no/namespaces/ezpublish5/xhtml5/edit">
  <p>Behold the pound pudding in a pond: £</p>
</section>'), array('section', 'http://ez.no/namespaces/ezpublish5/xhtml5/edit', __DIR__ . '/_fixtures/weird_drink.dtd', '<?xml version="1.0"

  <p>You will need &ingredients;.</p>
  <p>Then you &recipe;.</p>
  <p>Serve chilled.</p>
  <p>The price is &price;&yen;.</p>
</section>', '<?xml version="1.0"

<!DOCTYPE section [
    <!ENTITY ingredients "chili pepper, black pepper, bat wings (dried and grounded) and tomato juice">
    <!ENTITY recipe "combine the ingredients and shake">
    <!ENTITY price "165">
    <!ENTITY yen "&#165;">
  <p>You will need &ingredients;.</p>
  <p>Then you &recipe;.</p>
  <p>Serve chilled.</p>
  <p>The price is &price;&yen;.</p>
</section>', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section xmlns="http://ez.no/namespaces/ezpublish5/xhtml5/edit">
  <p>You will need chili pepper, black pepper, bat wings (dried and grounded) and tomato juice.</p>
  <p>Then you combine the ingredients and shake.</p>
  <p>Serve chilled.</p>
  <p>The price is 165¥.</p>