Facebook\InstantArticles\Elements\InstantArticleTest::testRenderWithAds PHP Метод

testRenderWithAds() публичный Метод

public testRenderWithAds ( )
    public function testRenderWithAds()
        $expected = '<!doctype html>' . '<html>' . '<head>' . '<link rel="canonical" href="http://foo.com/article.html"/>' . '<meta charset="utf-8"/>' . '<meta property="op:generator" content="facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php"/>' . '<meta property="op:generator:version" content="' . InstantArticle::CURRENT_VERSION . '"/>' . '<meta property="op:markup_version" content="v1.0"/>' . '<meta property="fb:use_automatic_ad_placement" content="true"/>' . '<meta property="fb:article_style" content="myarticlestyle"/>' . '</head>' . '<body>' . '<article>' . '<header>' . '<figure>' . '<img src="https://jpeg.org/images/jpegls-home.jpg"/>' . '<figcaption>Some caption to the image</figcaption>' . '</figure>' . '<h1>Big Top Title</h1>' . '<h2>Smaller SubTitle</h2>' . '<time class="op-published" datetime="1984-08-14T19:30:00+00:00">August 14th, 7:30pm</time>' . '<time class="op-modified" datetime="2016-02-10T10:00:00+00:00">February 10th, 10:00am</time>' . '<address>' . '<a>Author Name</a>' . 'Author more detailed description' . '</address>' . '<address>' . '<a href="http://facebook.com/author" rel="facebook">Author in FB</a>' . 'Author user in facebook' . '</address>' . '<h3 class="op-kicker">Some kicker of this article</h3>' . '<figure class="op-ad"><iframe src="http://foo.com"></iframe></figure>' . '</header>' . '<p>Some text to be within a paragraph for testing.</p>' . '<p>Other text to be within a second paragraph for testing.</p>' . '<figure class="op-slideshow">' . '<figure>' . '<img src="https://jpeg.org/images/jpegls-home.jpg"/>' . '</figure>' . '<figure>' . '<img src="https://jpeg.org/images/jpegls-home2.jpg"/>' . '</figure>' . '<figure>' . '<img src="https://jpeg.org/images/jpegls-home3.jpg"/>' . '</figure>' . '</figure>' . '<p>Some text to be within a paragraph for testing.</p>' . '<figure class="op-ad">' . '<iframe src="http://foo.com"></iframe>' . '</figure>' . '<p>Other text to be within a second paragraph for testing.</p>' . '<figure class="op-tracker">' . '<iframe>' . '<h1>Some custom code</h1>' . '<script>alert("test & more test");</script>' . '</iframe>' . '</figure>' . '<footer>' . '<aside>Some plaintext credits.</aside>' . '</footer>' . '</article>' . '</body>' . '</html>';
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->article->render());