Google\Cloud\Speech\SpeechClient::beginRecognizeOperation PHP Метод

beginRecognizeOperation() публичный Метод

The Google Cloud Client Library will attempt to infer the sample rate and encoding used by the provided audio file for you. This feature is recommended only if you are unsure of what the values may be and is currently limited to .flac, .amr, and .awb file types. The sample rate cannot be inferred from audio provided from a Google Storage object. For longer audio, up to approximately 80 minutes, you must use Google Cloud Storage objects as input. In addition to this restriction, only LINEAR16 audio encoding can be used for long audio inputs. Example: $operation = $speech->beginRecognizeOperation( fopen(__DIR__ . '/audio.flac', 'r') ); $isComplete = $operation->isComplete(); while (!$isComplete) { sleep(1); // let's wait for a moment... $operation->reload(); $isComplete = $operation->isComplete(); } print_r($operation->results()); Run with speech context, sample rate, and encoding provided $operation = $speech->beginRecognizeOperation( fopen(__DIR__ . '/audio.flac', 'r'), [ 'encoding' => 'FLAC', 'sampleRate' => 16000, 'speechContext' => [ 'phrases' => [ 'The Google Cloud Platform', 'Speech API' ] ] ]); $isComplete = $operation->isComplete(); while (!$isComplete) { sleep(1); // let's wait for a moment... $operation->reload(); $isComplete = $operation->isComplete(); } print_r($operation->results());
См. также: Operations
См. также: AsyncRecognize API documentation
См. также: AudioEncoding types
См. также: Speech API best practices
public beginRecognizeOperation ( resource | string | StorageObject $audio, array $options = [] ) : Operation
$audio resource | string | Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageObject The audio to recognize. May be a resource, string of bytes, or Google Cloud Storage object.
$options array [optional] { Configuration options. @type int $sampleRate Sample rate in Hertz of the provided audio. Valid values are: 8000-48000. 16000 is optimal. For best results, set the sampling rate of the audio source to 16000 Hz. If that's not possible, use the native sample rate of the audio source (instead of re-sampling). **Defaults to** `8000` with .amr files and `16000` with .awb files. If the getID3 library has been installed this value will default to the value read from the file's headers (if it exists). @type string $encoding Encoding of the provided audio. May be one of `"LINEAR16"`, `"FLAC"`, `"MULAW"`, `"AMR"`, `"AMR_WB"`. **Defaults to** `"FLAC"` with .flac files, `"AMR"` with .amr files and `"AMR_WB"` with .awb files. @type int $maxAlternatives Maximum number of alternatives to be returned. Valid values are 1-30. **Defaults to** `1`. @type string $languageCode The language of the content. BCP-47 (e.g., `"en-US"`, `"es-ES"`) language codes are accepted. **Defaults to** `"en"` (English). @type bool $profanityFilter If set to `true`, the server will attempt to filter out profanities, replacing all but the initial character in each filtered word with asterisks, e.g. \"f***\". **Defaults to** `false`. @type array $speechContext Must contain a key `phrases` which is to be an array of strings which provide "hints" to the speech recognizer to favor specific words and phrases in the results. Please see [SpeechContext]( for more information. }
Результат Operation
    public function beginRecognizeOperation($audio, array $options = [])
        $response = $this->connection->asyncRecognize($this->formatRequest($audio, $options));
        return new Operation($this->connection, $response['name'], $response);