GraphQL\Tests\Executor\VariablesTest::testUsingVariables PHP Метод

testUsingVariables() публичный Метод

public testUsingVariables ( )
    public function testUsingVariables()
        // executes with complex input:
        $doc = '
        query q($input:TestInputObject) {
          fieldWithObjectInput(input: $input)
        $ast = Parser::parse($doc);
        $params = ['input' => ['a' => 'foo', 'b' => ['bar'], 'c' => 'baz']];
        $schema = $this->schema();
        $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['fieldWithObjectInput' => '{"a":"foo","b":["bar"],"c":"baz"}']], Executor::execute($schema, $ast, null, null, $params)->toArray());
        // uses default value when not provided:
        $withDefaultsNode = Parser::parse('
          query q($input: TestInputObject = {a: "foo", b: ["bar"], c: "baz"}) {
            fieldWithObjectInput(input: $input)
        $result = Executor::execute($this->schema(), $withDefaultsNode)->toArray();
        $expected = ['data' => ['fieldWithObjectInput' => '{"a":"foo","b":["bar"],"c":"baz"}']];
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
        // properly parses single value to array:
        $params = ['input' => ['a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar', 'c' => 'baz']];
        $this->assertEquals(['data' => ['fieldWithObjectInput' => '{"a":"foo","b":["bar"],"c":"baz"}']], Executor::execute($schema, $ast, null, null, $params)->toArray());
        // executes with complex scalar input:
        $params = ['input' => ['c' => 'foo', 'd' => 'SerializedValue']];
        $result = Executor::execute($schema, $ast, null, null, $params)->toArray();
        $expected = ['data' => ['fieldWithObjectInput' => '{"c":"foo","d":"DeserializedValue"}']];
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
        // errors on null for nested non-null:
        $params = ['input' => ['a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar', 'c' => null]];
        $expected = FormattedError::create('Variable "$input" got invalid value {"a":"foo","b":"bar","c":null}.' . "\n" . 'In field "c": Expected "String!", found null.', [new SourceLocation(2, 17)]);
        try {
            Executor::execute($schema, $ast, null, null, $params);
            $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
        } catch (Error $err) {
            $this->assertEquals($expected, Error::formatError($err));
        // errors on incorrect type:
        $params = ['input' => 'foo bar'];
        try {
            Executor::execute($schema, $ast, null, null, $params);
            $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
        } catch (Error $error) {
            $expected = FormattedError::create('Variable "$input" got invalid value "foo bar".' . "\n" . 'Expected "TestInputObject", found not an object.', [new SourceLocation(2, 17)]);
            $this->assertEquals($expected, Error::formatError($error));
        // errors on omission of nested non-null:
        $params = ['input' => ['a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar']];
        try {
            Executor::execute($schema, $ast, null, null, $params);
            $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
        } catch (Error $e) {
            $expected = FormattedError::create('Variable "$input" got invalid value {"a":"foo","b":"bar"}.' . "\n" . 'In field "c": Expected "String!", found null.', [new SourceLocation(2, 17)]);
            $this->assertEquals($expected, Error::formatError($e));
        // errors on deep nested errors and with many errors
        $nestedDoc = '
          query q($input: TestNestedInputObject) {
            fieldWithNestedObjectInput(input: $input)
        $nestedAst = Parser::parse($nestedDoc);
        $params = ['input' => ['na' => ['a' => 'foo']]];
        try {
            Executor::execute($schema, $nestedAst, null, null, $params);
            $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
        } catch (Error $error) {
            $expected = FormattedError::create('Variable "$input" got invalid value {"na":{"a":"foo"}}.' . "\n" . 'In field "na": In field "c": Expected "String!", found null.' . "\n" . 'In field "nb": Expected "String!", found null.', [new SourceLocation(2, 19)]);
            $this->assertEquals($expected, Error::formatError($error));
        // errors on addition of unknown input field
        $params = ['input' => ['a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar', 'c' => 'baz', 'd' => 'dog']];
        try {
            Executor::execute($schema, $ast, null, null, $params);
            $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
        } catch (Error $e) {
            $expected = FormattedError::create('Variable "$input" got invalid value {"a":"foo","b":"bar","c":"baz","d":"dog"}.' . "\n" . 'In field "d": Expected type "ComplexScalar", found "dog".', [new SourceLocation(2, 17)]);
            $this->assertEquals($expected, Error::formatError($e));