Habari\Theme::theme_page_selector PHP Метод

theme_page_selector() публичный статический Метод

Build a collection of paginated URLs to be used for pagination.
public static theme_page_selector ( $theme, $rr_name = null, $settings = [] ) : string
Результат string Collection of paginated URLs built by the RewriteRule.
    public static function theme_page_selector($theme, $rr_name = null, $settings = array())
        // We can't detect proper pagination if $theme->posts isn't a Posts object,
        // so if it's not, bail.
        if (!$theme->posts instanceof Posts) {
            return '';
        $current = $theme->page;
        if (isset($theme->posts->get_param_cache['nolimit'])) {
        $items_per_page = isset($theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit']) ? $theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit'] : Options::get('pagination');
        $total = Utils::archive_pages($theme->posts->count_all(), $items_per_page);
        // Make sure the current page is valid
        if ($current > $total) {
            $current = $total;
        } else {
            if ($current < 1) {
                $current = 1;
        // Number of pages to display on each side of the current page.
        $leftSide = isset($settings['leftSide']) ? $settings['leftSide'] : 1;
        $rightSide = isset($settings['rightSide']) ? $settings['rightSide'] : 1;
        // Add the page '1'.
        $pages[] = 1;
        // Add the pages to display on each side of the current page, based on $leftSide and $rightSide.
        for ($i = max($current - $leftSide, 2); $i < $total && $i <= $current + $rightSide; $i++) {
            $pages[] = $i;
        // Add the last page if there is more than one page.
        if ($total > 1) {
            $pages[] = (int) $total;
        // Sort the array by natural order.
        // This variable is used to know the last page processed by the foreach().
        $prevpage = 0;
        // Create the output variable.
        $out = '';
        if (1 === count($pages) && isset($settings['hideIfSinglePage']) && $settings['hideIfSinglePage'] === true) {
            return '';
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            $settings['page'] = $page;
            // Add ... if the gap between the previous page is higher than 1.
            if ($page - $prevpage > 1) {
                $out .= '&nbsp;<span class="sep">&hellip;</span>';
            // Wrap the current page number with square brackets.
            $caption = $page == $current ? $current : $page;
            // Build the URL using the supplied $settings and the found RewriteRules arguments.
            $url = URL::get($rr_name, $settings, false);
            // Build the HTML link.
            $out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . $url . '" ' . ($page == $current ? 'class="current-page"' : '') . '>' . $caption . '</a>';
            $prevpage = $page;
        // Run the result through filters so plugins may overwrite it
        $out = Plugins::filter('page_selector', $out, $pages, $rr_name);
        return $out;