izzum\examples\trafficlight\TrafficLightFactory::createLoader PHP Метод

createLoader() защищенный Метод

protected createLoader ( )
    protected function createLoader()
        //we use the array loader
        //in a non-example situation we would use a backend like a
        //database for example
        //@see PDO adapter and loader
        //define the states
        $new = new State('new', State::TYPE_INITIAL);
        $green = new State('green', State::TYPE_NORMAL, State::COMMAND_NULL);
        $orange = new State('orange', State::TYPE_NORMAL);
        $red = new State('red', State::TYPE_NORMAL);
        //create the transtions by using the states
        $ng = new Transition($new, $green, 'go-green', Transition::RULE_TRUE, Transition::COMMAND_NULL);
        $go = new Transition($green, $orange, 'go-orange', 'izzum\\examples\\trafficlight\\rules\\CanSwitch', 'izzum\\examples\\trafficlight\\command\\SwitchOrange');
        $or = new Transition($orange, $red, 'go-red', 'izzum\\examples\\trafficlight\\rules\\CanSwitch', 'izzum\\examples\\trafficlight\\command\\SwitchRed');
        $rg = new Transition($red, $green, 'go-green', 'izzum\\examples\\trafficlight\\rules\\CanSwitch', 'izzum\\examples\\trafficlight\\command\\SwitchGreen');
        //set some descriptions for uml generation
        $ng->setDescription("from green to orange. use the switch to orange command");
        $go->setDescription("from new to green. this will start the cycle");
        $or->setDescription("from orange to red. use the appropriate command");
        $rg->setDescription("from red back to green.");
        $new->setDescription('the init state');
        $orange->setDescription("looks like a shade of green...");
        $transitions[] = $ng;
        $transitions[] = $go;
        $transitions[] = $or;
        $transitions[] = $rg;
        $loader = new LoaderArray($transitions);
        return $loader;