izzum\statemachine\State::__construct PHP Метод

__construct() публичный Метод

public __construct ( string $name, string $type = self::TYPE_NORMAL, $command_entry_name = self::COMMAND_EMPTY, $command_exit_name = self::COMMAND_EMPTY, callable $callable_entry = self::CALLABLE_NULL, callable $callable_exit = self::CALLABLE_NULL )
$name string the name of the state (can also be a regex in format: [not-]regex://)
$type string the type of the state (on of self::TYPE_<*>)
$command_entry_name optional: a command to be executed when a transition enters this state One or more fully qualified command (sub)class name(s) to execute when entering this state. This can actually be a ',' seperated string of multiple commands that will be executed as a composite.
$command_exit_name optional: a command to be executed when a transition leaves this state One or more fully qualified command (sub)class name(s) to execute when exiting this state. This can actually be a ',' seperated string of multiple commands that will be executed as a composite.
$callable_entry callable optional: a php callable to call. eg: "function(){echo 'closure called';};"
$callable_exit callable optional: a php callable to call. eg: "izzum\MyClass::myStaticMethod"
    public function __construct($name, $type = self::TYPE_NORMAL, $command_entry_name = self::COMMAND_EMPTY, $command_exit_name = self::COMMAND_EMPTY, $callable_entry = self::CALLABLE_NULL, $callable_exit = self::CALLABLE_NULL)
        $this->transitions = array();