Nette\Utils\ObjectMixin::getMagicProperties PHP Метод

getMagicProperties() публичный статический Метод

Returns array of magic properties defined by annotation @property.
public static getMagicProperties ( $class ) : array
Результат array of [name => bit mask]
    public static function getMagicProperties($class)
        static $cache;
        $props =& $cache[$class];
        if ($props !== NULL) {
            return $props;
        $rc = new \ReflectionClass($class);
        preg_match_all('~^  [ \\t*]*  @property(|-read|-write)  [ \\t]+  [^\\s$]+  [ \\t]+  \\$  (\\w+)  ()~mx', (string) $rc->getDocComment(), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $props = [];
        foreach ($matches as list(, $type, $name)) {
            $uname = ucfirst($name);
            $write = $type !== '-read' && $rc->hasMethod($nm = 'set' . $uname) && ($rm = $rc->getMethod($nm)) && $rm->getName() === $nm && !$rm->isPrivate() && !$rm->isStatic();
            $read = $type !== '-write' && ($rc->hasMethod($nm = 'get' . $uname) || $rc->hasMethod($nm = 'is' . $uname)) && ($rm = $rc->getMethod($nm)) && $rm->getName() === $nm && !$rm->isPrivate() && !$rm->isStatic();
            if ($read || $write) {
                $props[$name] = $read << 0 | ($nm[0] === 'g') << 1 | $rm->returnsReference() << 2 | $write << 3;
        foreach ($rc->getTraits() as $trait) {
            $props += self::getMagicProperties($trait->getName());
        if ($parent = get_parent_class($class)) {
            $props += self::getMagicProperties($parent);
        return $props;