Newscoop\Entity\Repository\ArticleDatetimeRepository::findDates PHP Метод

findDates() публичный Метод

Find dates
public findDates ( object $search, $dontExecute = false )
$search object { startDate : dateFormat, - passing only startDate will compare to entries with exactly (=) this value endDate : dateFormat, startTime : dateFormat, endTime : dateFormat, daily : bool|dateFormat, weekly : dateFormat, monthly : dateFormat, yearly : dateFormat }
$dontExecute if true, store query builder object and params in $this->lastQb and $this->lastQParams for later use
    public function findDates($search, $dontExecute = false)
        /* Notices:
         *  by now, 'NULL' means 'no end', i.e. till the end of day for end_time, forever for end_date
         *  when no recurring, then it is continuously from start_date/start_time till end_date/end_time
         *      start_date and date_end are usually the same then ... must be for a single day event.
         *  this search would be wrong on situations where we search for a short time interval and an recurring event starts before and ends after,
         *      but does not recur at the specified (short) interval, like:
         *          a) having an event yearly from 2000, each January 1st
         *          b) searching for events 2012-04-01 till 2012-04-30
         *          c) without specifying any recurrence
         *      the search would take that event even though it does not occur at the specified interval
         *      thus the addition below, at part where just start-end is set
        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('dt');
        // interval from a date till infinity
        if (isset($search->startDate) && !isset($search->endDate)) {
            $qb->andWhere('dt.endDate >= :startDate');
            $qb->setParameter('startDate', new \DateTime($search->startDate));
        // date interval
        if (isset($search->startDate) && isset($search->endDate)) {
            $qb->add('where', $qb->expr()->andx('dt.startDate <= :endDate', $qb->expr()->orx('dt.endDate >= :startDate', 'dt.endDate is null')));
            $qb->setParameter('startDate', new \DateTime($search->startDate));
            $qb->setParameter('endDate', new \DateTime($search->endDate));
            if (!isset($search->daily) && !isset($search->weekly) && !isset($search->monthly) && !isset($search->yearly) && $search->startDate <= $search->endDate) {
                $interval_one_day = new \DateInterval('P1D');
                $start_date = new \DateTime($search->startDate);
                $end_date = new \DateTime($search->endDate);
                $end_date_plus = clone $end_date;
                $weeks_to_check = true;
                $months_to_check = true;
                $years_to_check = true;
                $yearly_days_check_str = '1 = 1';
                // taking covered days of year
                $start_year = $start_date->format('Y');
                $start_month_day = $start_date->format('m-d');
                $end_year = $end_date->format('Y');
                $end_month_day = $end_date->format('m-d');
                $yearly_checking = null;
                if ($start_year + 2 <= $end_year) {
                    $weeks_to_check = false;
                    $months_to_check = false;
                    $years_to_check = false;
                } elseif ($start_year + 1 == $end_year) {
                    if ($start_month_day <= $end_month_day) {
                        $weeks_to_check = false;
                        $months_to_check = false;
                        $years_to_check = false;
                    } else {
                        $yearly_checking = $qb->expr()->andx();
                        $yearly_checking->add('dt.recurring = :recurring_yearly');
                        $yearly_checking->add($qb->expr()->orx($qb->expr()->gte('DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d")', '"' . $start_month_day . '"'), $qb->expr()->lte('DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d")', '"' . $end_month_day . '"')));
                        //$yearly_days_check_str = 'dt.recurring = :recurring_yearly AND (DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d") >= "' . $start_month_day . '") OR (DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d") <= "' . $end_month_day . '")';
                } else {
                    $yearly_checking = $qb->expr()->andx();
                    $yearly_checking->add('dt.recurring = :recurring_yearly');
                    $yearly_checking->add($qb->expr()->gte('DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d")', '"' . $start_month_day . '"'));
                    $yearly_checking->add($qb->expr()->lte('DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d")', '"' . $end_month_day . '"'));
                    //$yearly_days_check_str = 'dt.recurring = :recurring_yearly AND (DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d") >= "' . $start_month_day . '") AND (DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d") <= "' . $end_month_day . '")';
                // taking covered days of month
                if ($months_to_check) {
                    $start_end_period = new \DatePeriod($start_date, $interval_one_day, $end_date_plus);
                    $allowed_month_days = array();
                    foreach ($start_end_period as $one_day_in) {
                        $one_day_in_month = $one_day_in->format('j');
                        $allowed_month_days[$one_day_in_month] = $one_day_in_month;
                    if (31 <= count($allowed_month_days)) {
                        $months_to_check = false;
                // taking covered days of week
                if ($weeks_to_check) {
                    $start_day_of_week = $start_date->format('w') + 1;
                    $end_day_of_week = $end_date->format('w') + 1;
                    foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) as $one_week_day) {
                        if ($one_week_day >= $start_day_of_week && $one_week_day <= $end_day_of_week) {
                            $allowed_week_days[] = $one_week_day;
                        if ($start_day_of_week > $end_day_of_week) {
                            if ($one_week_day >= $start_day_of_week || $one_week_day <= $end_day_of_week) {
                                $allowed_week_days[] = $one_week_day;
                    if (7 <= count($allowed_week_days)) {
                        $weeks_to_check = false;
                // put the check parts in
                                // current doctrine is broken on 'IN' statement
                                        'dt.recurring IS NULL',
                                        'dt.recurring = 0',
                                        'dt.recurring = :recurring_daily' // it is ok for daily repeating events; and if time specified, it is set below
                                        $qb->expr()->andx('dt.recurring = :recurring_weekly', $qb->expr()->in('DAYOFWEEK(dt.startDate)', ':allowed_week_days')),
                                        $qb->expr()->andx('dt.recurring = :recurring_monthly', $qb->expr()->in('DAYOFMONTH(dt.startDate)', ':allowed_month_days')),
                                        $qb->expr()->andx('dt.recurring = :recurring_yearly', $yearly_days_check_str)* /
                $outerOr = $qb->expr()->orx();
                $outerOr->add('dt.recurring IS NULL');
                $outerOr->add('dt.recurring = 0');
                $outerOr->add('dt.recurring = :recurring_daily');
                $useOuter = true;
                if ($weeks_to_check) {
                    $innerWeekOr = $qb->expr()->orx();
                    foreach ($allowed_week_days as $one_allowed_week_day) {
                        $innerWeekOr->add($qb->expr()->eq('DAYOFWEEK(dt.startDate)', $one_allowed_week_day));
                    $outerWeekAnd = $qb->expr()->andx();
                    $outerWeekAnd->add('dt.recurring = :recurring_weekly');
                    $useOuter = true;
                if ($months_to_check) {
                    $innerMonthOr = $qb->expr()->orx();
                    foreach ($allowed_month_days as $one_allowed_month_day) {
                        $innerMonthOr->add($qb->expr()->eq('DAYOFMONTH(dt.startDate)', $one_allowed_month_day));
                    $outerMonthAnd = $qb->expr()->andx();
                    $outerMonthAnd->add('dt.recurring = :recurring_monthly');
                    $useOuter = true;
                                // TODO: doctrine do not work with date_format, even when the function is user created and set in resources
                                //       but we do not have support for year-repeating events in UI anyway
                                if ($years_to_check) {
                                    $useOuter = true;
                if ($useOuter) {
                $qb->setParameter('recurring_daily', self::RECURRING_DAILY);
                $qb->setParameter('recurring_weekly', self::RECURRING_WEEKLY);
                $qb->setParameter('recurring_monthly', self::RECURRING_MONTHLY);
                $qb->setParameter('recurring_yearly', self::RECURRING_YEARLY);
        $hasStartTimeQuery = false;
        if (isset($search->startTime)) {
            $qb->andWhere('dt.startTime >= :startTime');
            $qb->setParameter('startTime', new \DateTime($search->startTime));
            $hasStartTimeQuery = true;
        if (isset($search->endTime)) {
            $qb->andWhere('dt.endTime <= :endTime');
            $qb->setParameter('endTime', new \DateTime($search->endTime));
        if (isset($search->daily)) {
            $qb->andWhere('dt.recurring = :recurringDaily');
            $qb->setParameter('recurringDaily', self::RECURRING_DAILY);
            if (is_string($search->daily)) {
                if (!$hasStartTimeQuery) {
                    $qb->andWhere('dt.startTime >= :startTime');
                $qb->setParameter('startTime', new \DateTime($search->daily));
            if (is_array($search->daily)) {
                $paraCount = 11;
                $orSqlParts = array();
                foreach ($search->daily as $startTime => $endTime) {
                    $orSqlParts[] = "( dt.startTime >= ?" . ($paraCount + 1) . " and (dt.startTime <= ?" . ($paraCount + 2) . ") )";
                    $qb->setParameter(++$paraCount, new \DateTime($startTime));
                    $qb->setParameter(++$paraCount, new \DateTime($endTime));
                $qb->andWhere(implode(" or ", $orSqlParts));
        if (isset($search->weekly)) {
            $qb->andWhere('DAYOFWEEK(dt.startDate) = :dayOfWeek');
            $qb->andWhere('dt.recurring = :recurringWeekly');
            $qb->setParameter('recurringWeekly', self::RECURRING_WEEKLY);
            if (is_string($search->weekly)) {
                $dayOfWeek = new \DateTime($search->weekly);
                $dayOfWeek = $dayOfWeek->format('w') + 1;
                $qb->setParameter('dayOfWeek', $dayOfWeek);
            } else {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "weekly" must have a date-like formated value');
        if (isset($search->monthly)) {
            $qb->andWhere('DAYOFMONTH(dt.startDate) = :dayOfMonth');
            $qb->andWhere('dt.recurring = :recurringMonthly');
            $qb->setParameter('recurringMonthly', self::RECURRING_MONTHLY);
            if (is_string($search->monthly)) {
                $dayOfMonth = new \DateTime($search->monthly);
                $dayOfMonth = $dayOfMonth->format('j');
                $qb->setParameter('dayOfMonth', $dayOfMonth);
            } else {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "monthly" must have a date-like formated value');
        if (isset($search->yearly)) {
            $qb->andWhere('DATE_FORMAT(dt.startDate, "%m-%d") = :dayOfYear');
            $qb->andWhere('dt.recurring = :recurringYearly');
            $qb->setParameter('recurringYearly', self::RECURRING_YEARLY);
            if (is_string($search->yearly)) {
                $dayOfYear = new \DateTime($search->yearly);
                $dayOfYear = $dayOfYear->format('m-d');
                $qb->setParameter('dayOfYear', $dayOfYear);
            } else {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "yearly" must have a date-like formated value');
        // article field name query
        if (isset($search->fieldName)) {
            $qb->andWhere('dt.fieldName = :fieldName');
            $qb->setParameter('fieldName', $search->fieldName);
        // search for article id
        if (isset($search->articleId)) {
            $qb->andWhere('dt.articleId= :articleId');
            $qb->setParameter('articleId', $search->articleId);
        // search for article datetime id
        if (isset($search->id)) {
            $qb->andWhere(' :id');
            $qb->setParameter('id', $search->id);
        // store query and return $this
        if ($dontExecute) {
            $this->lastQb = $qb;
            $this->lastQParams = $qb->getParameters();
            return $this;
        return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();