* Renames the GridFS file with the specified ID.
* @param mixed $id File ID
* @param string $newFilename New filename
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public function rename($id, $newFilename)
$updateResult = $this->collectionWrapper->updateFilenameForId($id, $newFilename);
if ($updateResult->getModifiedCount() === 1) {
/* If the update resulted in no modification, it's possible that the
* file did not exist, in which case we must raise an error. Checking
* the write result's matched count will be most efficient, but fall
* back to a findOne operation if necessary (i.e. legacy writes).
$found = $updateResult->getMatchedCount() !== null ? $updateResult->getMatchedCount() === 1 : $this->collectionWrapper->findFileById($id) !== null;
if (!$found) {
throw FileNotFoundException::byId($id, $this->getFilesNamespace());