PHPFusion\Comments::showComments PHP Метод

showComments() публичный Метод

Display Comments
public showComments ( $comment_type, $comment_db, $comment_col, $comment_item_id, $clink )
    public function showComments($comment_type, $comment_db, $comment_col, $comment_item_id, $clink)
        global $aidlink;
        $locale = fusion_get_locale();
        $locale += fusion_get_locale('', LOCALE . LOCALESET . "user_fields.php");
        $cpp = $this->settings['comments_per_page'];
        $comment_data = array('comment_id' => isset($_GET['comment_id']) && isnum($_GET['comment_id']) ? $_GET['comment_id'] : 0, 'comment_name' => '', 'comment_message' => '', 'comment_datestamp' => time(), 'comment_item_id' => $comment_item_id, 'comment_type' => $comment_type, 'comment_cat' => 0, 'comment_ip' => USER_IP, 'comment_ip_type' => USER_IP_TYPE, 'comment_hidden' => 0);
        /** Delete */
        if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['c_action']) && $_GET['c_action'] == "delete") && (isset($_GET['comment_id']) && isnum($_GET['comment_id']))) {
            if (iADMIN && checkrights("C") || iMEMBER && dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_id='" . $_GET['comment_id'] . "' AND comment_name='" . $this->userdata['user_id'] . "'")) {
                $result = dbquery("\n                DELETE FROM " . DB_COMMENTS . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE comment_id='" . $_GET['comment_id'] . "'" . (iADMIN ? "" : "\n\t\t\t\tAND comment_name='" . $this->userdata['user_id'] . "'"));
            redirect($clink . ($this->settings['comments_sorting'] == "ASC" ? "" : "&c_start=0"));
        if ($this->settings['comments_enabled'] == "1") {
            $this->c_arr['c_info']['comments_count'] = format_word(0, $this->locale['fmt_comment']);
            // Handle Comment Posts
            if ((iMEMBER || $this->settings['guestposts']) && isset($_POST['post_comment'])) {
                if (!iMEMBER && $this->settings['guestposts']) {
                    // Process Captchas
                    $_CAPTCHA_IS_VALID = FALSE;
                    include INCLUDES . "captchas/" . $this->settings['captcha'] . "/captcha_check.php";
                    if (!isset($_POST['captcha_code']) && $_CAPTCHA_IS_VALID == FALSE) {
                        addNotice("danger", $locale['u194']);
                $comment_data = array('comment_id' => isset($_GET['comment_id']) && isnum($_GET['comment_id']) ? $_GET['comment_id'] : 0, 'comment_name' => iMEMBER ? $this->userdata['user_id'] : form_sanitizer($_POST['comment_name'], '', 'comment_name'), 'comment_message' => form_sanitizer($_POST['comment_message'], '', 'comment_message'), 'comment_datestamp' => time(), 'comment_item_id' => $comment_item_id, 'comment_type' => $comment_type, 'comment_cat' => form_sanitizer($_POST['comment_cat'], 0, 'comment_cat'), 'comment_ip' => USER_IP, 'comment_ip_type' => USER_IP_TYPE, 'comment_hidden' => 0);
                if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['c_action']) && $_GET['c_action'] == "edit") && $comment_data['comment_id']) {
                    // Update comment
                    if (iADMIN && checkrights("C") || iMEMBER && dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_id='" . $comment_data['comment_id'] . "'\n                        AND comment_item_id='" . $comment_item_id . "'\n                        AND comment_type='" . $comment_type . "'\n                        AND comment_name='" . $this->userdata['user_id'] . "'\n                        AND comment_hidden='0'") && \defender::safe()) {
                        $c_name_query = "SELECT comment_name FROM " . DB_COMMENTS . " WHERE comment_id='" . $comment_data['comment_id'] . "'";
                        $comment_data['comment_name'] = dbresult(dbquery($c_name_query), 0);
                        dbquery_insert(DB_COMMENTS, $comment_data, 'update');
                        if ($this->settings['comments_sorting'] == "ASC") {
                            $c_operator = "<=";
                        } else {
                            $c_operator = ">=";
                        $c_count = dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_id" . $c_operator . "'" . $comment_data['comment_id'] . "'\n                            AND comment_item_id='" . $comment_item_id . "'\n                            AND comment_type='" . $comment_type . "'");
                        $c_start = (ceil($c_count / $cpp) - 1) * $cpp;
                        addNotice("success", $locale['global_027']);
                        redirect(self::format_clink($clink) . "&amp;c_start=" . (isset($c_start) && isnum($c_start) ? $c_start : ""));
                } else {
                    // Save New comment
                    if (!dbcount("(" . $comment_col . ")", $comment_db, $comment_col . "='" . $comment_item_id . "'")) {
                        redirect(BASEDIR . "index.php");
                    if (\defender::safe()) {
                        $c_start = 0;
                        $id = 0;
                        if ($comment_data['comment_name'] && $comment_data['comment_message']) {
                            require_once INCLUDES . "flood_include.php";
                            if (!flood_control("comment_datestamp", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_ip='" . USER_IP . "'")) {
                                dbquery_insert(DB_COMMENTS, $comment_data, 'save');
                                $id = dblastid();
                                if ($this->settings['comments_sorting'] == "ASC") {
                                    $c_count = dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_item_id='" . $comment_item_id . "' AND comment_type='" . $comment_type . "'");
                                    $c_start = (ceil($c_count / $cpp) - 1) * $cpp;
                            redirect(self::format_clink($clink) . "&amp;c_start=" . $c_start . "#c" . $id);
            $c_rows = dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_item_id='" . $comment_item_id . "' AND comment_type='" . $comment_type . "' AND comment_hidden='0'");
            if (!isset($_GET['c_start']) && $c_rows > $cpp) {
                $_GET['c_start'] = (ceil($c_rows / $cpp) - 1) * $cpp;
            if (!isset($_GET['c_start']) || !isnum($_GET['c_start'])) {
                $_GET['c_start'] = 0;
            $comment_query = "\n            SELECT tcm.*, tcu.user_id, tcu.user_name, tcu.user_avatar, tcu.user_status\n            FROM " . DB_COMMENTS . " tcm\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tcu ON tcm.comment_name=tcu.user_id\n            WHERE comment_item_id='" . $comment_item_id . "' AND comment_type='" . $comment_type . "' AND comment_hidden='0'\n            ORDER BY comment_datestamp " . $this->settings['comments_sorting'] . ", comment_cat DESC";
            $query = dbquery($comment_query);
            if (dbrows($query) > 0) {
                $i = $this->settings['comments_sorting'] == "ASC" ? $_GET['c_start'] + 1 : $c_rows - $_GET['c_start'];
                if ($c_rows > $cpp) {
                    $this->c_arr['c_info']['c_makepagenav'] = makepagenav($_GET['c_start'], $cpp, $c_rows, 3, $clink . "&amp;", "c_start");
                if (iADMIN && checkrights("C")) {
                    $this->c_arr['c_info']['admin_link'] = "<!--comment_admin-->\n";
                    $this->c_arr['c_info']['admin_link'] .= "<a href='" . ADMIN . "comments.php" . $aidlink . "&amp;ctype=" . $comment_type . "&amp;comment_item_id=" . $comment_item_id . "'>" . $this->locale['c106'] . "</a>";
                while ($row = dbarray($query)) {
                    $actions = array("edit_dell" => "", "edit_link" => "", "delete_link" => "");
                    if (iADMIN && checkrights("C") || iMEMBER && $row['comment_name'] == $this->userdata['user_id'] && isset($row['user_name'])) {
                        $edit_link = clean_request('c_action=edit&comment_id=' . $row['comment_id'], array('c_action', 'comment_id'), false) . "#edit_comment";
                        $delete_link = clean_request('c_action=delete&comment_id=' . $row['comment_id'], array('c_action', 'comment_id'), false);
                        $comment_actions = "<!---comment_actions--><div class='btn-group'>\n                        <a class='btn btn-xs btn-default' href='{$edit_link}'>" . $this->locale['c108'] . "</a>\n                        <a class='btn btn-xs btn-default' href='{$delete_link}' onclick=\"return confirm('" . $this->locale['c110'] . "');\"><i class='fa fa-trash'></i>" . $this->locale['c109'] . "</a>\n                        </div><!---//comment_actions-->\n                    ";
                        $actions = array("edit_link" => array('link' => $edit_link, 'name' => $this->locale['c108']), "delete_link" => array('link' => $delete_link, 'name' => $this->locale['c109']), "edit_dell" => $comment_actions);
                    $reply_form = "";
                    if (isset($_GET['comment_reply']) && $_GET['comment_reply'] == $row['comment_id']) {
                        $locale = fusion_get_locale();
                        $comment_data['comment_cat'] = $row['comment_id'];
                        $reply_form = openform("comments_reply_form", "post", FUSION_REQUEST, array("class" => "comments_reply_form"));
                        if (iGUEST) {
                            $reply_form .= form_text('comment_name', fusion_get_locale('c104'), $comment_data['comment_name'], array('max_length' => 30));
                        $reply_form .= form_hidden("comment_cat", "", $comment_data['comment_cat']);
                        $reply_form .= form_textarea("comment_message", "", $comment_data['comment_message'], array("tinymce" => "simple", "type" => fusion_get_settings("tinymce_enabled") ? "tinymce" : "bbcode", "input_id" => "comment_message-" . $i, "required" => true));
                        if (iGUEST && (!isset($_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT) || isset($_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT) && !$_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT)) {
                            $_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT = FALSE;
                            $reply_form .= "<div class='m-t-10 m-b-10'>";
                            $reply_form .= "<label class='col-xs-12 col-sm-3'>" . $locale['global_150'] . "</label><div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9'>\n";
                            include INCLUDES . "captchas/" . $this->settings['captcha'] . "/captcha_display.php";
                            $reply_form .= ob_get_contents();
                            if (!$_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT) {
                                $reply_form .= "<br />\n<label for='captcha_code'>" . $locale['global_151'] . "</label>";
                                $reply_form .= "<br />\n<input type='text' id='captcha_code' name='captcha_code' class='textbox' autocomplete='off' style='width:100px' />\n";
                            $reply_form .= "</div>\n";
                            $reply_form .= "</div>\n";
                        $reply_form .= form_button('post_comment', $locale['c102'], $locale['c102'], array('class' => 'btn-success m-t-10'));
                        $reply_form .= closeform();
                    /** formats $row */
                    $row = array("comment_id" => $row['comment_id'], "comment_cat" => $row['comment_cat'], "i" => $i, "user_avatar" => display_avatar($row, '50px', '', false, 'img-rounded'), "user" => array("user_id" => $row['user_id'], "user_name" => $row['user_name'], "user_avatar" => $row['user_avatar'], "status" => $row['user_status']), "reply_link" => clean_request("comment_reply=" . $row['comment_id'], array("comment_reply"), false), "reply_form" => $reply_form, "comment_datestamp" => showdate('shortdate', $row['comment_datestamp']), "comment_time" => timer($row['comment_datestamp']), "comment_message" => "<!--comment_message-->\n" . nl2br(parseubb(parsesmileys($row['comment_message']))) . "<!--//comment_message-->\n", "comment_name" => $row['user_name'] ? profile_link($row['comment_name'], $row['user_name'], $row['user_status'], 'strong text-dark') : $row['comment_name']);
                    $row += $actions;
                    $id = $row['comment_id'];
                    $parent_id = $row['comment_cat'] === NULL ? "0" : $row['comment_cat'];
                    $data[$id] = $row;
                    $this->c_arr['c_con'][$parent_id][$id] = $row;
                    $this->settings['comments_sorting'] == "ASC" ? $i++ : $i--;
                // Paginate the array
                $this->c_arr['c_con'][0] = array_chunk($this->c_arr['c_con'][0], $cpp, true);
                // Pass cpp settings
                $this->c_arr['c_info']['comments_per_page'] = $cpp;
                $this->c_arr['c_info']['comments_count'] = format_word(number_format($i - 1, 0), $this->locale['fmt_comment']);
            echo "<a id='comments' name='comments'></a>";
            render_comments($this->c_arr['c_con'], $this->c_arr['c_info']);
            render_comments_form($comment_type, $clink, $comment_item_id, isset($_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT) ? $_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT : FALSE);