Pinq\Tests\Integration\Providers\DSL\EnglishDSLProviderWithExpressionPreprocessingTest::exampleFromDocsQuery PHP Метод

exampleFromDocsQuery() защищенный Метод

protected exampleFromDocsQuery ( )
    protected function exampleFromDocsQuery()
        return <<<'ENG'
Filter according to: { return ($__row['age'] <= 50); } with parameters: [$__this]
Order according to: { return $__row['firstName']; } with parameters: [$__this] asc or desc, { return $__row['lastName']; } with parameters: [$__this] asc or desc
Starting from and up to the specified element
Index according to: { return $__row['phoneNumber']; } with parameters: [$__this]
Map according to: { return ['fullName' => (($__row['firstName'] . ' ') . $__row['lastName']), 'address' => $__row['address'], 'dateOfBirth' => $__row['dateOfBirth']]; } with parameters: [$__this]
Get the elements as itself