pocketmine\tile\Hopper::onUpdate PHP Метод

onUpdate() публичный Метод

public onUpdate ( )
    public function onUpdate()
        if (!$this->getBlock() instanceof HopperBlock) {
            return false;
        //Pickup dropped items
        //This can happen at any time regardless of cooldown
        $area = clone $this->getBlock()->getBoundingBox();
        //Area above hopper to draw items from
        $area->maxY = ceil($area->maxY) + 1;
        //Account for full block above, not just 1 + 5/8
        foreach ($this->getLevel()->getChunkEntities($this->getBlock()->x >> 4, $this->getBlock()->z >> 4) as $entity) {
            if (!$entity instanceof DroppedItem or !$entity->isAlive()) {
            if (!$entity->boundingBox->intersectsWith($area)) {
            $item = $entity->getItem();
            if (!$item instanceof Item) {
            if ($item->getCount() < 1) {
            if ($this->inventory->canAddItem($item)) {
        if (!$this->canUpdate()) {
            //Hoppers only update CONTENTS every 8th tick
            $this->namedtag->TransferCooldown->setValue($this->namedtag->TransferCooldown->getValue() - 1);
            return true;
        //Suck items from above tile inventories
        $source = $this->getLevel()->getTile($this->getBlock()->getSide(Vector3::SIDE_UP));
        if ($source instanceof Tile and $source instanceof InventoryHolder) {
            $inventory = $source->getInventory();
            $item = clone $inventory->getItem($inventory->firstOccupied());
            if ($this->inventory->canAddItem($item)) {
                if ($source instanceof Hopper) {
        //Feed item into target inventory
        //Do not do this if there's a hopper underneath this hopper, to follow vanilla behaviour
        if (!$this->getLevel()->getTile($this->getBlock()->getSide(Vector3::SIDE_DOWN)) instanceof Hopper) {
            $target = $this->getLevel()->getTile($this->getBlock()->getSide($this->getBlock()->getDamage()));
            if ($target instanceof Tile and $target instanceof InventoryHolder) {
                $inv = $target->getInventory();
                foreach ($this->inventory->getContents() as $item) {
                    if ($item->getId() === Item::AIR or $item->getCount() < 1) {
                    $targetItem = clone $item;
                    if ($inv->canAddItem($targetItem)) {
                        if ($target instanceof Hopper) {
        return true;