SensioLabs\DeprecationDetector\DetectorFactory::getPredefinedRuleSet PHP Метод

getPredefinedRuleSet() приватный Метод

private getPredefinedRuleSet ( ) : SensioLabs\DeprecationDetector\RuleSet\RuleSet
Результат SensioLabs\DeprecationDetector\RuleSet\RuleSet
    private function getPredefinedRuleSet()
        $deprecatedPhpMethods = array('IntlDateFormatter' => array('setTimeZoneID' => new MethodDeprecation('IntlDateFormatter', 'setTimeZoneID', 'Since PHP 5.5 use IntlDateFormatter->setTimeZone() instead')));
        $deprecatedPhpFunctions = array('call_user_method' => new FunctionDeprecation('call_user_method', 'Since PHP 4.1, use call_user_func() instead'), 'call_user_method_array' => new FunctionDeprecation('call_user_method_array', 'Since PHP 4.1, call_user_func_array() instead'), 'define_syslog_variables' => new FunctionDeprecation('define_syslog_variables', 'Since PHP 5.3'), 'dl' => new FunctionDeprecation('dl', 'Since PHP 5.3'), 'ereg' => new FunctionDeprecation('ereg', 'Since PHP 5.3, use  preg_match() instead'), 'ereg_replace' => new FunctionDeprecation('ereg_replace', 'Since PHP 5.3, use  preg_replace() instead'), 'eregi' => new FunctionDeprecation('eregi', 'Since PHP 5.3, use preg_match() with the "i" modifier instead'), 'eregi_replace' => new FunctionDeprecation('eregi_replace', 'Since PHP 5.3, use preg_match() with the "i" modifier instead'), 'set_magic_quotes_runtime' => new FunctionDeprecation('set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'Since PHP 5.3'), 'magic_quotes_runtime' => new FunctionDeprecation('magic_quotes_runtime', 'Since PHP 5.3'), 'session_register' => new FunctionDeprecation('session_register', 'Since PHP 5.3, use the $_SESSION superglobal instead'), 'session_unregister' => new FunctionDeprecation('session_unregister', 'Since PHP 5.3, use the $_SESSION superglobal instead'), 'session_is_registered' => new FunctionDeprecation('session_is_registered', 'Since PHP 5.3, use the $_SESSION superglobal instead'), 'set_socket_blocking' => new FunctionDeprecation('set_socket_blocking', 'Since PHP 5.3, use stream_set_blocking() instead'), 'split' => new FunctionDeprecation('split', 'Since PHP 5.3, use preg_split() instead'), 'spliti' => new FunctionDeprecation('spliti', 'Since PHP 5.3, use preg_split() with the "i" modifier instead)'), 'sql_regcase' => new FunctionDeprecation('sql_regcase', 'Since PHP 5.3'), 'mysql_db_query' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_db_query', 'Since PHP 5.3, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_escape_string' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_escape_string', 'Since PHP 4.3, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_list_dbs' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_list_dbs', 'Since PHP 5.3, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'get_magic_quotes_gpc' => new FunctionDeprecation('get_magic_quotes_gpc', 'Since PHP 5.4'), 'get_magic_quotes_runtime' => new FunctionDeprecation('get_magic_quotes_runtime', 'Since PHP 5.4'), 'mcrypt_generic_end' => new FunctionDeprecation('mcrypt_generic_end', 'Since PHP 5.4'), 'mcrypt_cbc' => new FunctionDeprecation('mcrypt_cbc', 'Since PHP 5.5'), 'mcrypt_cfb' => new FunctionDeprecation('mcrypt_cfb', 'Since PHP 5.5'), 'mcrypt_ecb' => new FunctionDeprecation('mcrypt_ecb', 'Since PHP 5.5'), 'mcrypt_ofb' => new FunctionDeprecation('mcrypt_ofb', 'Since PHP 5.5'), 'mysql_affected_rows' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_affected_rows', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_client_encoding' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_client_encoding', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_close' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_close', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_connect' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_connect', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_create_db' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_create_db', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_data_seek' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_data_seek', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_db_name' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_db_name', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_drop_db' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_drop_db', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_errno' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_errno', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_error' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_error', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fetch_array' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fetch_array', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fetch_assoc' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fetch_assoc', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fetch_field' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fetch_field', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fetch_lengths' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fetch_lengths', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fetch_object' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fetch_object', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fetch_row' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fetch_row', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_field_flags' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_field_flags', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_field_len' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_field_len', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_field_name' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_field_name', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_field_seek' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_field_seek', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_field_table' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_field_table', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_field_type' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_field_type', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_free_result' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_free_result', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_get_client_info' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_get_client_info', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_get_host_info' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_get_host_info', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_get_proto_info' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_get_proto_info', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_get_server_info' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_get_server_info', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_info' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_info', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_insert_id' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_insert_id', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_list_fields' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_list_fields', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_list_processes' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_list_processes', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_list_tables' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_list_tables', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_num_fields' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_num_fields', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_num_rows' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_num_rows', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_pconnect' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_pconnect', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_ping' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_ping', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_query' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_query', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_real_escape_string' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_real_escape_string', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_result' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_result', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_select_db' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_select_db', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_set_charset' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_set_charset', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_stat' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_stat', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_tablename' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_tablename', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_thread_id' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_thread_id', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_unbuffered_query' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_unbuffered_query', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql', 'Since 5.3.0 Use mysql_db_query instead.'), 'mysql_fieldtable' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fieldtable', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fieldlen' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fieldlen', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fieldtype' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fieldtype', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_fieldflags' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_fieldflags', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_selectdb' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_selectdb', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_freeresult' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_freeresult', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_numfields' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_numfields', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_numrows' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_numrows', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_listdbs' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_listdbs', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_listtables' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_listtables', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_listfields' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_listfields', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_dbname' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_dbname', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'mysql_table_name' => new FunctionDeprecation('mysql_table_name', 'Since PHP 5.5, The original MySQL extension is deprecated use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions instead.'), 'datefmt_set_timezone_id' => new FunctionDeprecation('datefmt_set_timezone_id', 'Since PHP 5.5 use datefmt_set_timezone() instead'), 'import_request_variables' => new FunctionDeprecation('import_request_variables', 'This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0.'), 'php_logo_guid' => new FunctionDeprecation('php_logo_guid', '5.5 Removed in PHP 5.5 Gets the logo guid'), 'php_real_logo_guid' => new FunctionDeprecation('php_real_logo_guid', '5.5 Removed in PHP 5.5'), 'php_egg_logo_guid' => new FunctionDeprecation('php_real_logo_guid', '5.5 Removed in PHP 5.5'), 'zend_logo_guid' => new FunctionDeprecation('zend_logo_guid', '5.5 Removed in PHP 5.5'), 'key_exists' => new FunctionDeprecation('key_exists', 'Since PHP 4.0.7'));
        return new RuleSet(array(), array(), $deprecatedPhpMethods, $deprecatedPhpFunctions);