Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler::compilePattern PHP Метод

compilePattern() приватный статический Метод

private static compilePattern ( Symfony\Component\Routing\Route $route, $pattern, $isHost )
$route Symfony\Component\Routing\Route
    private static function compilePattern(Route $route, $pattern, $isHost)
        $tokens = array();
        $variables = array();
        $matches = array();
        $pos = 0;
        $defaultSeparator = $isHost ? '.' : '/';
        $useUtf8 = preg_match('//u', $pattern);
        $needsUtf8 = $route->getOption('utf8');
        if (!$needsUtf8 && $useUtf8 && preg_match('/[\\x80-\\xFF]/', $pattern)) {
            $needsUtf8 = true;
            @trigger_error(sprintf('Using UTF-8 route patterns without setting the "utf8" option is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will throw a LogicException in 4.0. Turn on the "utf8" route option for pattern "%s".', $pattern), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        if (!$useUtf8 && $needsUtf8) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Cannot mix UTF-8 requirements with non-UTF-8 pattern "%s".', $pattern));
        // Match all variables enclosed in "{}" and iterate over them. But we only want to match the innermost variable
        // in case of nested "{}", e.g. {foo{bar}}. This in ensured because \w does not match "{" or "}" itself.
        preg_match_all('#\\{\\w+\\}#', $pattern, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            $varName = substr($match[0][0], 1, -1);
            // get all static text preceding the current variable
            $precedingText = substr($pattern, $pos, $match[0][1] - $pos);
            $pos = $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0]);
            if (!strlen($precedingText)) {
                $precedingChar = '';
            } elseif ($useUtf8) {
                preg_match('/.$/u', $precedingText, $precedingChar);
                $precedingChar = $precedingChar[0];
            } else {
                $precedingChar = substr($precedingText, -1);
            $isSeparator = '' !== $precedingChar && false !== strpos(static::SEPARATORS, $precedingChar);
            // A PCRE subpattern name must start with a non-digit. Also a PHP variable cannot start with a digit so the
            // variable would not be usable as a Controller action argument.
            if (preg_match('/^\\d/', $varName)) {
                throw new \DomainException(sprintf('Variable name "%s" cannot start with a digit in route pattern "%s". Please use a different name.', $varName, $pattern));
            if (in_array($varName, $variables)) {
                throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Route pattern "%s" cannot reference variable name "%s" more than once.', $pattern, $varName));
            if (strlen($varName) > self::VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) {
                throw new \DomainException(sprintf('Variable name "%s" cannot be longer than %s characters in route pattern "%s". Please use a shorter name.', $varName, self::VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, $pattern));
            if ($isSeparator && $precedingText !== $precedingChar) {
                $tokens[] = array('text', substr($precedingText, 0, -strlen($precedingChar)));
            } elseif (!$isSeparator && strlen($precedingText) > 0) {
                $tokens[] = array('text', $precedingText);
            $regexp = $route->getRequirement($varName);
            if (null === $regexp) {
                $followingPattern = (string) substr($pattern, $pos);
                // Find the next static character after the variable that functions as a separator. By default, this separator and '/'
                // are disallowed for the variable. This default requirement makes sure that optional variables can be matched at all
                // and that the generating-matching-combination of URLs unambiguous, i.e. the params used for generating the URL are
                // the same that will be matched. Example: new Route('/{page}.{_format}', array('_format' => 'html'))
                // If {page} would also match the separating dot, {_format} would never match as {page} will eagerly consume everything.
                // Also even if {_format} was not optional the requirement prevents that {page} matches something that was originally
                // part of {_format} when generating the URL, e.g. _format = 'mobile.html'.
                $nextSeparator = self::findNextSeparator($followingPattern, $useUtf8);
                $regexp = sprintf('[^%s%s]+', preg_quote($defaultSeparator, self::REGEX_DELIMITER), $defaultSeparator !== $nextSeparator && '' !== $nextSeparator ? preg_quote($nextSeparator, self::REGEX_DELIMITER) : '');
                if ('' !== $nextSeparator && !preg_match('#^\\{\\w+\\}#', $followingPattern) || '' === $followingPattern) {
                    // When we have a separator, which is disallowed for the variable, we can optimize the regex with a possessive
                    // quantifier. This prevents useless backtracking of PCRE and improves performance by 20% for matching those patterns.
                    // Given the above example, there is no point in backtracking into {page} (that forbids the dot) when a dot must follow
                    // after it. This optimization cannot be applied when the next char is no real separator or when the next variable is
                    // directly adjacent, e.g. '/{x}{y}'.
                    $regexp .= '+';
            } else {
                if (!preg_match('//u', $regexp)) {
                    $useUtf8 = false;
                } elseif (!$needsUtf8 && preg_match('/[\\x80-\\xFF]|(?<!\\\\)\\\\(?:\\\\\\\\)*+(?-i:X|[pP][\\{CLMNPSZ]|x\\{[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/', $regexp)) {
                    $needsUtf8 = true;
                    @trigger_error(sprintf('Using UTF-8 route requirements without setting the "utf8" option is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will throw a LogicException in 4.0. Turn on the "utf8" route option for variable "%s" in pattern "%s".', $varName, $pattern), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                if (!$useUtf8 && $needsUtf8) {
                    throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Cannot mix UTF-8 requirement with non-UTF-8 charset for variable "%s" in pattern "%s".', $varName, $pattern));
            $tokens[] = array('variable', $isSeparator ? $precedingChar : '', $regexp, $varName);
            $variables[] = $varName;
        if ($pos < strlen($pattern)) {
            $tokens[] = array('text', substr($pattern, $pos));
        // find the first optional token
        $firstOptional = PHP_INT_MAX;
        if (!$isHost) {
            for ($i = count($tokens) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
                $token = $tokens[$i];
                if ('variable' === $token[0] && $route->hasDefault($token[3])) {
                    $firstOptional = $i;
                } else {
        // compute the matching regexp
        $regexp = '';
        for ($i = 0, $nbToken = count($tokens); $i < $nbToken; ++$i) {
            $regexp .= self::computeRegexp($tokens, $i, $firstOptional);
        $regexp = self::REGEX_DELIMITER . '^' . $regexp . '$' . self::REGEX_DELIMITER . 's' . ($isHost ? 'i' : '');
        // enable Utf8 matching if really required
        if ($needsUtf8) {
            $regexp .= 'u';
            for ($i = 0, $nbToken = count($tokens); $i < $nbToken; ++$i) {
                if ('variable' === $tokens[$i][0]) {
                    $tokens[$i][] = true;
        return array('staticPrefix' => 'text' === $tokens[0][0] ? $tokens[0][1] : '', 'regex' => $regexp, 'tokens' => array_reverse($tokens), 'variables' => $variables);