yii\web\Controller::redirect PHP Метод

redirect() публичный Метод

This method is a shortcut to [[Response::redirect()]]. You can use it in an action by returning the Response directly: php stop executing this action and redirect to login page return $this->redirect(['login']);
public redirect ( string | array $url, integer $statusCode = 302 ) : Response
$url string | array the URL to be redirected to. This can be in one of the following formats: - a string representing a URL (e.g. "http://example.com") - a string representing a URL alias (e.g. "@example.com") - an array in the format of `[$route, ...name-value pairs...]` (e.g. `['site/index', 'ref' => 1]`) [[Url::to()]] will be used to convert the array into a URL. Any relative URL will be converted into an absolute one by prepending it with the host info of the current request.
$statusCode integer the HTTP status code. Defaults to 302. See for details about HTTP status code
Результат Response the current response object
    public function redirect($url, $statusCode = 302)
        return Yii::$app->getResponse()->redirect(Url::to($url), $statusCode);

Usage Example

  * @param $flag
  * @param $successMessage
  * @param $failedMessage
  * @return \yii\web\Response
 protected function redirectWithMessages($flag, $successMessage, $failedMessage)
     if ($flag) {
         Yii::$app->session->setFlash('success', $successMessage);
         return $this->controller->redirect($this->successUrl);
     } else {
         Yii::$app->session->setFlash('warning', $failedMessage);
         return $this->controller->redirect($this->failedUrl);
All Usage Examples Of yii\web\Controller::redirect