API::searchItems PHP Method

searchItems() protected method

Expose the GLPI searchEngine
protected searchItems ( $itemtype, $params = [] ) : Array
$itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
$params array with theses options : - 'criteria': array of criterion object to filter search. Optionnal. Each criterion object must provide : - link: (optionnal for 1st element) logical operator in [AND, OR, AND NOT, AND NOT]. - field: id of searchoptions. - searchtype: type of search in [contains, equals, notequals, lessthan, morethan, under, notunder]. - value : value to search. - 'metacriteria' (optionnal): array of metacriterion object to filter search. Optionnal. A meta search is a link with another itemtype (ex: Computer with softwares). Each metacriterion object must provide : - link: logical operator in [AND, OR, AND NOT, AND NOT]. Mandatory - itemtype: second itemtype to link. - field: id of searchoptions. - searchtype: type of search in [contains, equals, notequals, lessthan, morethan, under, notunder]. - value : value to search. - 'sort' : id of searchoption to sort by (default 1). Optionnal. - 'order' : ASC - Ascending sort / DESC Descending sort (default ASC). Optionnal. - 'range' : a string with a couple of number for start and end of pagination separated by a '-'. Ex : 150-200. (default 0-50) Optionnal. - 'forcedisplay': array of columns to display (default empty = empty use display pref and search criterias). Some columns will be always presents (1-id, 2-name, 80-Entity). Optionnal. - 'rawdata': boolean for displaying raws data of Search engine of glpi (like sql request, and full searchoptions)
return Array of raw rows from Search class
    protected function searchItems($itemtype, $params = array())
        global $DEBUG_SQL;
        // check rights
        if ($itemtype != 'AllAssets' && !$itemtype::canView()) {
            return $this->messageRightError();
        // retrieve searchoptions
        $soptions = $this->listSearchOptions($itemtype);
        // Check the criterias are valid
        if (isset($params['criteria']) && is_array($params['criteria'])) {
            foreach ($params['criteria'] as $criteria) {
                if (isset($criteria['field']) && ctype_digit($criteria['field']) && !array_key_exists($criteria['field'], $soptions)) {
                    return $this->returnError(__("Bad field ID in search criteria"));
        // manage forcedisplay
        if (isset($params['forcedisplay'])) {
            if (!is_array($params['forcedisplay'])) {
                $params['forcedisplay'] = array(intval($params['forcedisplay']));
            $params['forcedisplay'] = array_combine($params['forcedisplay'], $params['forcedisplay']);
        } else {
            $params['forcedisplay'] = array();
        // transform range parameter in start and limit variables
        if (isset($params['range']) > 0) {
            if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+-[0-9]+\$/", $params['range'])) {
                $range = explode("-", $params['range']);
                $params['start'] = $range[0];
                $params['list_limit'] = $range[1] - $range[0] + 1;
                $params['range'] = $range;
            } else {
                $this->returnError("range must be in format : [start-end] with integers");
        } else {
            $params['range'] = array(0, $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
        // force reset
        $params['reset'] = 'reset';
        // force logging sql queries
        $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] = Session::DEBUG_MODE;
        // call Core Search method
        $rawdata = Search::getDatas($itemtype, $params, $params['forcedisplay']);
        // probably a sql error
        if (!isset($rawdata['data']) || count($rawdata['data']) === 0) {
            $this->returnError("Unexpected SQL Error : " . array_splice($DEBUG_SQL['errors'], -2)[0], 500, "ERROR_SQL", false);
        $cleaned_data = array('totalcount' => $rawdata['data']['totalcount'], 'count' => count($rawdata['data']['rows']), 'sort' => $rawdata['search']['sort'], 'order' => $rawdata['search']['order']);
        if ($params['range'][0] > $cleaned_data['totalcount']) {
            $this->returnError("Provided range exceed total count of data: " . $cleaned_data['totalcount'], 400, "ERROR_RANGE_EXCEED_TOTAL");
        // fix end range
        if ($params['range'][1] > $cleaned_data['totalcount'] - 1) {
            $params['range'][1] = $cleaned_data['totalcount'] - 1;
        //prepare cols (searchoptions_id) for cleaned data
        $cleaned_cols = array();
        foreach ($rawdata['data']['cols'] as $col) {
            $cleaned_cols[] = $col['id'];
        // prepare cols wwith uid
        if (isset($params['uid_cols'])) {
            $uid_cols = array();
            foreach ($cleaned_cols as $col) {
                $uid_cols[] = $soptions[$col]['uid'];
        foreach ($rawdata['data']['rows'] as $row) {
            $raw = $row['raw'];
            $id = $raw['id'];
            // keep row itemtype for all asset
            if ($itemtype == 'AllAssets') {
                $current_id = $raw['id'];
                $current_itemtype = $raw['TYPE'];
            // retrive value (and manage multiple values)
            $clean_values = array();
            foreach ($row as $rkey => $rvalues) {
                // skip index who are not real columns (ex: raw, entities_id, etc)
                if (!is_integer($rkey)) {
                // manage multiple values (ex: IP adresses)
                $current_values = array();
                for ($valindex = 0; $valindex < $rvalues['count']; $valindex++) {
                    $current_values[] = $rvalues[$valindex]['name'];
                if (count($current_values) == 1) {
                    $current_values = $current_values[0];
                $clean_values[] = $current_values;
            // combine cols (searchoptions_id) with values (raws data)
            if (isset($params['uid_cols'])) {
                $current_line = array_combine($uid_cols, $clean_values);
            } else {
                $current_line = array_combine($cleaned_cols, $clean_values);
            // if all asset, provide type in returned data
            if ($itemtype == 'AllAssets') {
                $current_line['id'] = $current_id;
                $current_line['itemtype'] = $current_itemtype;
            // append to final array
            if (isset($params['withindexes'])) {
                $cleaned_data['data'][$id] = $current_line;
            } else {
                $cleaned_data['data'][] = $current_line;
        // add rows with their html
        if (isset($params['giveItems'])) {
            $cleaned_data['data_html'] = array();
            foreach ($rawdata['data']['rows'] as $row) {
                $new_row = array();
                foreach ($row as $cell_key => $cell) {
                    if (isset($cell['displayname'])) {
                        $new_row[$cell_key] = $cell['displayname'];
                $new_row = array_combine($cleaned_cols, $new_row);
                if (isset($params['withindexes'])) {
                    $cleaned_data['data_html'][$row['id']] = $new_row;
                } else {
                    $cleaned_data['data_html'][] = $new_row;
        if (isset($params['rawdata']) && $params['rawdata']) {
            $cleaned_data['rawdata'] = $rawdata;
        $cleaned_data['content-range'] = implode('-', $params['range']) . "/" . $cleaned_data['totalcount'];
        // return data
        return $cleaned_data;