Exakat\Tasks\Anonymize::processFile PHP Method

processFile() private method

private processFile ( $file, $anonFile = null )
    private function processFile($file, $anonFile = null)
        $php = file_get_contents($file);
        $tokens = token_get_all($php);
        if (count($tokens) < 3) {
            display("Ignoring {$file}, no PHP-code.\n");
            return false;
        foreach ($checks as $check) {
            if (!defined($check)) {
                define($check, 1);
        $php = '';
        foreach ($tokens as $t) {
            if (is_array($t)) {
                switch ($t[0]) {
                    case T_LNUMBER:
                        // integers
                        if (isset($this->lnumberValues[$t[1]])) {
                            $t[1] = $this->lnumberValues[$t[1]];
                        } else {
                            $this->lnumberValues[$t[1]] = ++$this->lnumber;
                            $t[1] = $this->lnumberValues[$t[1]];
                    case T_DNUMBER:
                        // real numbers
                        if (isset($this->dnumberValues[$t[1]])) {
                            $t[1] = floor(mt_rand(0, 100000)) / 100;
                        } else {
                            $this->dnumberValues[$t[1]] = ++$this->dnumber;
                            $t[1] = floor(mt_rand(0, 100000)) / 100;
                    case T_VARIABLE:
                        if ($t[1] != '$this') {
                            if (isset($this->variableNames[$t[1]])) {
                                $t[1] = $this->variableNames[$t[1]];
                            } else {
                                $this->variableNames[$t[1]] = '$' . ++$this->variables;
                                $t[1] = $this->variableNames[$t[1]];
                    case T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING:
                        if (in_array($this->strings, array('IF', 'AS', 'DO', 'OR'))) {
                        if (isset($this->stringsNames[$t[1]])) {
                            $t[1] = $this->stringsNames[$t[1]];
                        } else {
                            $this->stringsNames[$t[1]] = "'" . $this->strings . "'";
                            $t[1] = $this->stringsNames[$t[1]];
                    case T_STRING:
                    case T_NUM_STRING:
                        if (strtolower($t[1]) == 'null') {
                        // otherwise, fall through!
                    // otherwise, fall through!
                    case T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE:
                        if (in_array($this->strings, array('IF', 'AS', 'DO', 'OR'))) {
                        if (isset($this->stringsNames[$t[1]])) {
                            $t[1] = $this->stringsNames[$t[1]];
                        } else {
                            $this->stringsNames[$t[1]] = $this->strings;
                            $t[1] = $this->stringsNames[$t[1]];
                    case T_DOC_COMMENT:
                    case T_COMMENT:
                        $t[1] = "\n";
                    case T_INLINE_HTML:
                        if (isset($this->stringsNames[$t[1]])) {
                            $t[1] = $this->stringsNames[$t[1]];
                        } else {
                            $this->stringsNames[$t[1]] = $this->strings;
                            $t[1] = $this->stringsNames[$t[1]];
                    case T_START_HEREDOC:
                        $short = substr($t[1], 3);
                        if (!isset($this->stringsNames[$short])) {
                            $this->stringsNames[$short] = $this->strings;
                        if ($short[0] == "'") {
                            $t[1] = "<<<'" . $this->stringsNames[$short] . "'\n";
                        } else {
                            $t[1] = '<<<' . $this->stringsNames[$short] . "\n";
                        $heredoc = "\n" . $this->stringsNames[$short];
                    case T_END_HEREDOC:
                        $t[1] = $heredoc;
                        (unset) $heredoc;
                    case T_ISSET:
                    case T_EXIT:
                    case T_ARRAY_CAST:
                    case T_BOOL_CAST:
                    case T_DOUBLE_CAST:
                    case T_OBJECT_CAST:
                    case T_UNSET_CAST:
                    case T_INT_CAST:
                    case T_STRING_CAST:
                    case T_CONST:
                    case T_LIST:
                    case T_NAMESPACE:
                    case T_IMPLEMENTS:
                    case T_MUL_EQUAL:
                    case T_DIV_EQUAL:
                    case T_RETURN:
                    case T_SWITCH:
                    case T_CASE:
                    case T_DEFAULT:
                    case T_ENDSWITCH:
                    case T_ECHO:
                    case T_PRINT:
                    case T_EMPTY:
                    case T_ARRAY:
                    case T_GLOBAL:
                    case T_TRY:
                    case T_CATCH:
                    case T_DOUBLE_ARROW:
                    case T_CURLY_OPEN:
                    case T_ELSE:
                    case T_PUBLIC:
                    case T_PROTECTED:
                    case T_PRIVATE:
                    case T_FINAL:
                    case T_SL:
                    case T_SR:
                    case T_IS_EQUAL:
                    case T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL:
                    case T_MINUS_EQUAL:
                    case T_WHILE:
                    case T_ENDWHILE:
                    case T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
                    case T_PLUS_EQUAL:
                    case T_POW:
                    case T_CLASS:
                    case T_INTERFACE:
                    case T_CONTINUE:
                    case T_WHITESPACE:
                    case T_AS:
                    case T_BOOLEAN_OR:
                    case T_BOOLEAN_AND:
                    case T_BREAK:
                    case T_DEC:
                    case T_DO:
                    case T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL:
                    case T_SR_EQUAL:
                    case T_XOR_EQUAL:
                    case T_OR_EQUAL:
                    case T_IS_NOT_EQUAL:
                    case T_COALESCE:
                    case T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO:
                    case T_CALLABLE:
                    case T_UNSET:
                    case T_EVAL:
                    case T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES:
                    case T_FINALLY:
                    case T_YIELD:
                    case T_YIELD_FROM:
                    case T_FOR:
                    case T_ENDFOR:
                    case T_FOREACH:
                    case T_ENDFOREACH:
                    case T_FUNCTION:
                    case T_INC:
                    case T_DOUBLE_COLON:
                    case T_THROW:
                    case T_NEW:
                    case T_CLONE:
                    case T_ELLIPSIS:
                    case T_NS_SEPARATOR:
                    case T_OBJECT_OPERATOR:
                    case T_DIR:
                    case T_STATIC:
                    case T_VAR:
                    case T_OPEN_TAG:
                    case T_CLOSE_TAG:
                    case T_INSTANCEOF:
                    case T_INCLUDE:
                    case T_INCLUDE_ONCE:
                    case T_REQUIRE:
                    case T_REQUIRE_ONCE:
                    case T_TRAIT:
                    case T_EXTENDS:
                    case T_USE:
                    case T_INSTEADOF:
                    case T_LOGICAL_AND:
                    case T_LOGICAL_OR:
                    case T_LOGICAL_XOR:
                    case T_IF:
                    case T_ELSEIF:
                    case T_ENDIF:
                    case T_FILE:
                    case T_CLASS_C:
                    case T_FUNC_C:
                    case T_LINE:
                    case T_METHOD_C:
                    case T_NS_C:
                    case T_POW_EQUAL:
                    case T_SL_EQUAL:
                    case T_AND_EQUAL:
                    case T_MOD_EQUAL:
                    case T_DECLARE:
                    case T_ENDDECLARE:
                    case T_GOTO:
                    case T_ABSTRACT:
                    case T_HALT_COMPILER:
                    case T_TRAIT_C:
                    case T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM:
                    case T_STRING_VARNAME:
                        //complex variable parsed syntax
                    //complex variable parsed syntax
                    case T_CHARACTER:
                        // Not used
                    // Not used
                    case T_BAD_CHARACTER:
                        //anything below ASCII 32 except \t (0x09), \n (0x0a) and \r (0x0d)
                    //anything below ASCII 32 except \t (0x09), \n (0x0a) and \r (0x0d)
                    case T_IS_IDENTICAL:
                    case T_CONCAT_EQUAL:
                        // simply ignore
                        echo token_name($t[0]), " is unknown token\n", print_r($t, true);
                $php .= $t[1];
            } else {
                $php .= $t;
        if ($anonFile === null) {
            $anonFile = $file . '.anon';
        file_put_contents($anonFile, $php);
        return true;