protected function handlePropertyFeature($class)
if (!$this->isSubclassOf($class, 'yii\\base\\Object')) {
foreach ($class->getPublicMethods() as $name => $method) {
if ($method->isStatic) {
if (!strncmp($name, 'get', 3) && strlen($name) > 3 && $this->hasNonOptionalParams($method)) {
$propertyName = '$' . lcfirst(substr($method->name, 3));
if (isset($class->properties[$propertyName])) {
$property = $class->properties[$propertyName];
if ($property->getter === null && $property->setter === null) {
$this->errors[] = ['line' => $property->startLine, 'file' => $class->sourceFile, 'message' => "Property {$propertyName} conflicts with a defined getter {$method->name} in {$class->name}."];
$property->getter = $method;
} else {
$class->properties[$propertyName] = new PropertyDoc(null, $this, ['name' => $propertyName, 'definedBy' => $method->definedBy, 'sourceFile' => $class->sourceFile, 'visibility' => 'public', 'isStatic' => false, 'type' => $method->returnType, 'types' => $method->returnTypes, 'shortDescription' => BaseDoc::extractFirstSentence($method->return), 'description' => $method->return, 'getter' => $method]);
if (!strncmp($name, 'set', 3) && strlen($name) > 3 && $this->hasNonOptionalParams($method, 1)) {
$propertyName = '$' . lcfirst(substr($method->name, 3));
if (isset($class->properties[$propertyName])) {
$property = $class->properties[$propertyName];
if ($property->getter === null && $property->setter === null) {
$this->errors[] = ['line' => $property->startLine, 'file' => $class->sourceFile, 'message' => "Property {$propertyName} conflicts with a defined setter {$method->name} in {$class->name}."];
$property->setter = $method;
} else {
$param = $this->getFirstNotOptionalParameter($method);
$class->properties[$propertyName] = new PropertyDoc(null, $this, ['name' => $propertyName, 'definedBy' => $method->definedBy, 'sourceFile' => $class->sourceFile, 'visibility' => 'public', 'isStatic' => false, 'type' => $param->type, 'types' => $param->types, 'shortDescription' => BaseDoc::extractFirstSentence($param->description), 'description' => $param->description, 'setter' => $method]);